Ateneo’s Rich Alvarez: Basketball on his mind

Last October 5 history happened as the Ateneo Blue Eagles claimed the 2002 UAAP championship against the De La Salle Green Archers. For the longest time the rivalry between these two universities has always been strong especially among the alumni. My family is a perfect example of this rivalry. My dad is a Green Archer but my brother and sister are true blue Ateneans, so every time La Salle and Ateneo go head to head on anything, there’s a lot of bashing at home. My mom has to play referee and I become the amused and entertained spectator! You can just imagine how it was that Saturday, with my dad wearing a green shirt and my brother wearing his lucky (so he claims) blue shirt. I guess my brother’s lucky shirt did give him some luck for after 14 grueling years, finally the Ateneans can definitely say that their time has come. Of course, all the credit should be given to the Ateneo team and the coaching staff, for it was their hard work, perseverance, prayers and patience that truly got them to where they are now. The players are still into the hype of the whole championship thing. Rich Alvarez is one of them who still cannot get over it.

One of the first five of his team, this power forward definitely contributed to the team’s victory this season. I was able to hang out and chat with this gentleman, so if you wanna know more about Rich, read on as we get up close and personal with this hottie!

Young STAR: How does it feel to be part of the 2002 UAAP Champion basketball team?

Rich Alvarez:
It’s weird, we all kinda feel like celebrities. I mean, like everywhere we go it’s "Hey, what’s up? Congratulations!" you know, that kind of thing! Then we get introduced to so many people, or some people just introduce themselves to us. It’s really great though!

It was totally worth the wait. I’ve been with the team for four years, but to me it seems like 14 years! It’s even worth losing my cell phone. It’s really funny because after the championship game when we were in the locker room signing autographs and celebrating, someone stole my cell phone and my championship cap which were in my bag.

Was there a lot of pressure for you to win the championship?

The team felt as if we had to win the championship because this year was our only chance. After this year some of our players won’t be with us anymore like Villanueva and Tadeo. The thing is there’s always gonna be pressure, so I just work hard and smile through the pressure.

During the preliminaries you guys almost got eliminated, what triggered the surprising turn-around?

Basically, we were being scratched off, but coach Banal inspired us to believe in God and that through hard work, focus and prayer we could achieve anything we want. He also told us to strengthen our faith in God as to complete the mission that he has begun in us. You know, at our worst time, one of my teammates wrote a prayer, which we had to recite every night at 10 o’clock on the dot. I guess it worked!

You’re naturally a shy guy, but it doesn’t seem that way when you’re playing. Does a different Rich Alvarez come out once you step on to the court?

When I play basketball, I don’t need to be shy because I’m so used to playing; I’ve been playing ball since second grade! I guess I become nastier on the court, you know, the whole trash talk thing...ok, I’m just kidding (laughing). Seriously though I become strong-willed, aggressive and a bit confident, but there are times that I do get conscious. Especially when I make a mistake, like a turnover, or when I miss a few shots, that’s when I lose a bit of my confidence. But then I just get over it quickly like a split-second type of thing so that I don’t lose my concentration.

Are you friends with the players from the other universities?

Last year Carlos Sharma (from La Salle) and I got into a mess, but now we’re good friends...not like we’re the best of buddies or something like that, but you know, we approach each other and say "What’s up?" so it’s cool! From La Salle I also know Mike Cortez. Though in game 3, there was kind of tension between our teams, but that’s already expected, and hopefully now it’s over.

The night before the third game, what did you do to help you relax?

Well, our coach encouraged us to stay together for one whole week before the last game, as in we ate the same food, we breathed the same air, but we took a shower separately! Oh yeah, we went to The Podium for a while to eat some Cinnabon! After that I just tried to sleep, though it was so difficult ’coz of all the excitement, nervousness and worries! The next day I had to relax myself so I took a bubble bath, and then had a really light meal afterwards!

Was it all basketball during the season? Or were you guys allowed to go to party and stuff?

Of course we’re allowed to have fun too, but the problem was there wasn’t really enough time to go around. I had to find time for my family, and my girlfriend. Alexi (my girlfriend) would sometimes get mad at me but then I couldn’t really do anything so she just understood the situation and was patient. Also I gave her a Labrador for our anniversary, so it’s cool.

How’d you celebrate after you won the game?

You know what, we stayed in the gym till like 9 o’clock, saying thank you to people, enjoying our win, then afterwards we went straight to the giant Thanksgiving Mass back at Ateneo, then hung out at Outback. We had a couple of beers and a huge steak. We were really tired so the team just took a dip in a friend’s pool, stayed up all night, and just really relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of being champions!

How is Joel Banal as a coach?

He made things so simple and easy for us. He just kept on telling us about hard work, lots of focus and prayer. Also about this story on how there was this experiment on these guys shooting some free throws, and there were like three sets of guys, the first set was the one that practiced a lot, the second set wouldn’t practice and the third set was just imagining themselves shooting free throws, and so Coach Banal wanted us to be like the first set of guys who were really practicing and were really focused since they got better and better, in other words there’s really no substitute for practice. Coach is always on our case, if our practice sucks, he’ll tell us what’s wrong or what we should improve.

Who’s the older brother type of your team?

Enrico is definitely everyone’s older brother, I mean he doesn’t really act like an older brother because he’s the funny guy, he always makes fun of us and does silly things.

How about the clown of the team?

Enrico Villanueva, Sonny Tadeo and Andrew Cruz, they’re the definite comics!

Who‘s the baby of the team?

Probably Dominic Banal, he hasn’t really played that much this year but we try to help him out every time we practice.

What’s your role?

Defense and rebound, and I guess I help the team stay in control. Coach told me that I’m one of the veterans on the team so I’ve to help keep things steady and do some encouraging. I guess I’m like the second to the big brother next to Enrico, though I’m never at meetings.

If you ask any of my teammates, what they always hear me say is "Relax lang," "Just relax." I’m the laid-back boy!

Do conflicts occur in the team?

Lots of times. Especially these last two weeks. Some people were just blowing up on each other. When stuff like that happens, Coach would leave and call off practice and he’d make us deal with it like adults. But now it’s over, I mean, we’re just all brothers.

As we all know, it’s the last season of Villanueva, and it seemed that he was the leader of the pack. How is the team coping with this?

We know that we gotta accept it and move on. He’ll always be there to help us whenever we ask him for advice or if there are problems. When he leaves though, there will be a lot of adjustments that’ll be made ’coz we’re not used to it and probably someone has to take that role and I don’t might be me, it might be two players, but I’m willing to accept that role if given the chance.

So what can the people expect from you guys next season? Another championship maybe?

For now, nothing. We’re all just enjoying our vacation and celebrations. We don’t wanna think about it first till like a month or two before the season just expect a lot of good time from us as of now.

After college basketball, what’s in store for you?

Well, I hope I can play professionally. I don’t wanna be in the PBA and I’m like sitting on the bench forever because of old age or something. It’s like a dream to be able to play in PBA, but if it doesn’t happen, then that’s fine too.

What do you advise people who want to play basketball?

I guess they should have desire and passion for the game, I mean, you have to love the game to be able to play well. If you wanna get better at it, you just gotta keep on practising and go for the Ateneo team because it’s the best (laughing)!

What made Ateneo get the UAAP title this year?

Definitely our friendship; off the court, we don’t separate or anything like that. We always stick together and hang out. We’re like family! Up to now Rainier Sison and Paul Tanchi still hang out with us even though they’ve graduated already. I mean, I heard that other teams separate when they’re done practising or playing but us (Ateneo team), we don’t.


Twenty one.

Fave music?

I listen to hip-hop and R&B. And I groove to them too. I dance in the shower, in the car, on the court...OK I’m kidding, but I used to break dance though when I was younger!

What’s on your CD player now?

Nelly! Number 1!

Latest movie you watched?

Hmmm...I forgot...oh yeah! Sum of All Fears, I think.

Fave food?


Hang out?

At home.

Words you live by?

Relax lang!

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