A Short Story: Thin, long wire (Conclusion)

Their talk was cut short when she heard her mobile phone ring. They both knew who it was and with that, Robert gave her a hug and left. He felt sick to his stomach. He was so selfish, he thought, for having spilled his guts to Dana when she already had enough problems as it was. He slapped his forehead hard. Apparently, it was loud enough to catch stares from several bystanders.

In his heart he felt that Dana liked him, too. And that even added to his emotional pain. As the weeks passed, he stopped calling her. He would rarely answer her text messages. And if he did, it was always straight to the point — no flowery words whatsoever. She, on the other had, naturally noticed the change in Robert, and it hurt both of them.

This was the only way, he thought, to fight the feelings he was having over the last month. He knew he couldn’t have her, so what was the point of risking it all? No way was he going to "steal" Dana from her beau because he thought it was too illicit and too devastating for Edward to handle — no matter how much he hated the bastard. Besides, he didn’t want her to leave Edward for him in the first place. He had never been a cause of a bitter breakup before. And there was really no reason to start now. That was, until they accidentally bumped into each other in a grocery store.

"Buying more canned fruits for your mother?" Dana tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hoy! Kamusta na? How’s everything? How’s Edward?"

"Ayun. Ganun pa din. But we’re trying to compromise and..."

"So he’s allowing you to wear spaghetti straps na?" he jokingly asked.

"Hey! Why did we stop talking and hanging out? Dahil ba sa akin?" She sadly asked him.

Robert sighed. It had been more than a month since he last saw her. And he thought his feelings for her had subsided. But right now, he wanted to smack himself in the ass because he was still in love with the lass. He realized now it was more than just a silly crush. It was real love (or whatever).

"Yes, Dana. It was because of you."

"Is that right?"

"Kasi tuwing magkasama tayo, I just can’t help but fall for your wicked charms. That’s why you must forgive me if I’m avoiding you. It’s for the best."


"And I’m so sorry if I had to be so honest with you about how I really felt. I should’ve just kept to myself."


"I also don’t want to be the cause of any breakups. Alam mo, I really care for..."


"Huh? Ano? Bakit?"

"I-I’m falling for you, too."


"I started to miss you when we stopped communicating. And it was then that I knew I needed you a lot. Sounds selfish doesn’t it? But hey, pareho naman tayo eh." Her eyes were watery, but she tried to smile.

Robert fixed his gaze on her. He was both happy and sad at the same time. He touched her hair softly and carefully handed her a handkerchief. He felt glad that Dana somehow kind of felt the same way he did about her. But he also felt remorse for being a burden on such a nice girl. And it was time to set things straight. He owed her at least that.

"Dana, do you love Edward?" he asked.


"Do you love me as well?"



"Yes," she meekly replied.

"I guess it would be stupid to ask who you like more, huh?"

"Oh, Robert. I don’t know what to do. Please tell me. If only you came first."

"Dana, I’ve never regretted ever knowing you. In fact, I’m thankful that I do. But it’s wrong for me to step in when you’re having fits with Edward, because it would be biased against the relationship itself. Do you understand, sis?"

"What happened to ‘dear‚’?"

"The thing is, you loved him for the man that he was. And as much as I would regret saying this, I feel that you’re as in love with the idiot now as you were before. And anyway, I’m just here to mess things up."

Dana’s eyes narrowed with confusion.

"So what are you saying?" she innocently asked.

"I’m saying that we shouldn’t hang out anymore."

"But we’re friends!"

"And it’s very hard for the both of us to stay that way when we’re together!"


"I really love you, girlie. Kaya I’m letting you go. I’m stepping aside and I’m sure na one day you’ll thank me for all this." He said.

"I love you, too, buddy."

"Now promise me you’ll be happy again, okay?" It sounded plastic, he thought, but he didn’t give the slightest damn.

"I’ll try. Thank you, dear. If only..."

"I came first. Yes, I know. Now run along. Bibili pa ako ng prutas para sa nanay ko eh."

That was the last time they ever saw or spoke to one another.

He was now starting to get back to work as he threw the cigarette in the trash bin. In his mind, he could now see Dana going back to being who she was before he came along. He had lost the game, he knew, but was relieved to be out of the situation. Robert smiled. If he could give up even an honest friendship to make someone he loves happy and free, then maybe he wasn’t such a selfish bastard after all, he thought.

With that, he pulled out the long, thin, wire, which Dana had given him many months ago. And except for the memories, it was probably the last remnant of Dana that remained with him. So after taking one last look at it, he pried his office windows open and threw it out.

"I better start learning how to make myself one of those," he said.
* * *
Comments about nothing are welcome at reuben_matthew@hotmail.com.

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