How do you homeschool a preschooler? — An invitation to a practical workshop

On my personal blog (, I share a bit about our homeschooling adventures. That’s why I usually get asked about how we homeschool our kids, how does one start with homeschooling, what should one buy in terms of books and curricula, etcetera. So I decided to write a series of posts about homeschooling for those people who are curious about it. (You can read the latest post in the series -- as of this writing -- here.)

Homeschooling preschool

One of the questions I am commonly asked is this: "How do you homeschool a preschool-aged child?" I thought I’d try to answer it here. But before I do so, please allow me to give the disclaimer that I am not a homeschool "expert" nor did I take any Early Childhood Development courses. Thus, I’m basing my answer only on my experience raising and teaching my own children.

Having said that, here are a few pointers for parents who wish to explore homeschooling their preschool-aged kids:

- Establish a routine. You don’t need to be super strict about this but it helps to have a daily rhythm.

- Make time -- LOTS of time -- for play. Children learn best through play, and by play, I don’t mean the play that takes place in front of a screen (computer, tablet or other gadgets).

- Preschool-aged kids don’t need a lot of 'focused learning time' -- learning can actually take place anywhere and at anytime.

- You don't need to buy a lot of materials -- you can just work with whatever resources you have at home. Speaking from experience, we've used a lot of empty boxes, toilet paper rolls, old notebooks, empty medicine bottles and other ‘scrap’ stuff in our preschool activities.

- Emphasize character-building first. It’s easier to teach obedient, respectful kids -- believe me!

An invitation to Starting Your Preschool Homeschool: A Practical Workshop by The Learning Basket

Of course, the above mentioned pointers are just "the tip of the iceberg," as they say. While you can easily Google for more in-depth articles that can help you get started on your preschool homeschool adventures, it always helps to hear from parents who are actually doing it -- which is why I’d like to invite you to attend a special event by my fellow homeschoolers from The Learning Basket, titled "Starting Your Preschool Homeschool: A Practical Workshop."

Here’s what attendees to the workshop can expect from it:

  • Learn about the what and why of homeschooling your preschooler
  • Find out about your different options
  • Get practical tips and information
  • Discover your heart for homeschooling
  • Take your first steps toward preschool homeschool

The workshop will be on March 8, Saturday, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Medela House in New Manila, QC. The learning fee is P300 per person but Mariel Uyquiengco, one of the moms behind The Learning Basket, encourages couples to attend because this is something that both parents should know about (and hopefully agree on.) The couple fee is only P500, and is inclusive of yummy snacks from Mama Chows, hand-outs, and guided activities.

Participants will also have the chance to ask Mariel and Sanne Unson -- her partner -- their questions about homeschooling, as well as see the actual materials that they use at home. Hopefully, I will also be able to join the workshop to share about our own preschool homeschool journey.

To know more about "Starting Your Preschool Homeschool: A Practical Workshop," and to register, head on over to The Learning Basket’s website:

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