Sweet Bella

There are always some places that for one reason or another I take forever to try out. Sweet Bella was one of those places; it’s not anymore courtesy of a voucher I bought from CashCashPinoy but it still took a healthy amount of procrastination before Irene and I were able to redeem it. I've read a lot of nice things about their desserts but not really much about the food so we were not expecting much.

The store is situated on two floors with a single table for outdoor seating. Ample parking on the street; although priced at P50, it’s still a good idea to park there rather than venture into the convoluted basement parking of Forbeswood Heights.

Passing through the entrance, you are greeted by temptation all around courtesy of the cake displays as well as the rows and rows of macaroons. I vowed to myself that I will definitely save room for a dessert or two or maybe even three if I can get away with it.

We proceeded upstairs and got a table near the window. The place was comfy with its plush seating and pillows set in fuchsia with brown and white touches all around.

Irene had already decided she wanted to order Croque Mosiuer (P320), a sandwich that she always seems to find on many menus. Although it did not look presentable, it tasted great. The bread was soft and served to showcase the ham and Gruyere cheese inside and outside well.

I ordered the Quatro Funghi Pizza (P395), cooked in their brick oven, on a whim since it was quite unique unlike the ubiquitous Quatro Formaggi. Even before the server had laid it down on our table, the smell of mushrooms was wafting in the air hinting of things to come. The thin crust was quite even and made a bit of a crunch upon my first bite. The mushrooms and cheese made a great sharp and earthy combination.

On to dessert, despite the savory dishes seeking to usurp the throne as shining star in Sweet Bella.

Irene left it up to me to choose one dessert, but being faced with all those cakes calling out to me, I caved on getting two mini cakes. The owner was behind the counter giving me suggestions on what to order.

I've recently been enamored with pink guava ice cream and juice, despite not showing a preference to the fruit itself so when the Pearl (P295) was suggested to me, I knew I had to order it. Each mini cake came with a chocolate butterfly, the logo for the store.

I gingerly forked a piece of the cake and my taste buds were happily greeted by a smooth and delicate guava mousse with flambeed Guimaras mangoes nestled in the middle. I finished it off all by my lonesome as Irene is not a fan of guavas.

The other cake I selected was the Strawberry Shortcake (P275) since I already knew Irene would not like the Pearl. I was half expecting the chiffon parts to be too light for me as is usually the case. This time it was different, the vanilla cake melded beautifully with the thick strawberry cream that it even elicited words of praise from Irene.

Each of Sweet Bella's cakes looks like works of art, painstakingly produced with passion evident in all the minute details. The savory dishes prove they are not a pushover offering some interesting things to compliment the cakes, the true stars. We will definitely be back to savor more of those little masterpieces.

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