7 steps to positivity

Let’s have a little exercise:

  • Think of five bad things that happened to you yesterday. Then think of five good things that happened to you.
  • Look at the person across you. Spot three negative things about his physical appearance. Then spot three positive ones.

Which came more naturally for you?

If it were the positive statements, good for you! If it were the negative ones, it isn’t surprising. Negativity comes so easily. Perhaps it’s all the stress we experience, all the bad news we read. We’re exposed to so much negativity that sometimes we don’t notice how it affects the way we think, the way we react, the way we view things.

Positivity begins here

Positivity takes effort in the beginning, but it will come naturally to you later on. I’ve experienced that the following tips can bring about positivity in your life in trickles at first, and big happy loads afterwards.

  1. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to be sucked into negativity when you’re with someone who is always cynical. Acknowledging a feeling of negativity is healthy, but don’t let it affect you too long. Try not to get dragged down by negative vibes of who you’re with. Choose to be with people who have a healthy perspective of life.
  2. Instead of asking “Why?” ask “Why not?” Instead of saying “No!” say “What if…?” Being open to new things that come your way is a stepping stone to positivity. Explore. Go on adventures. Look at things with wonder.
  3. Take care of your health. Eat right. Sleep well. Take your vitamins. Exercise. A little light walking everyday for half an hour can pave the way for better health. All that fat can literally weigh you down. When you feel your body is lighter and leaner, you will feel better about yourself and more open to embracing positivity.
  4. “Conceive. Believe. Achieve.” This is a line from a Tony Little exercise video. While he used it to motivate his audience to get fit, I’ve applied this line to other parts of my life as well. Conceive — think of the beautiful things you want for yourself; dream, dream, dream. Believe — leave no room for doubt; you are capable of making your dreams come alive. Achieve — pave the way for making your dreams come alive; take action!
  5. Learn to laugh! Don’t take everything so seriously! Relax. Laugh from your belly, laugh from your heart. Laugh alone. Laugh with someone. Be with someone who makes you happy, who makes you laugh.
  6. Simplify. De-clutter. Clear away the things you don’t need from your worktable your wardrobe, your laptop, your life. Throw away at least one thing a day that you don’t need. It’s probably just weighing you down. Make room for new and happy blessings to pour in.
  7. Find joy in little things. Happiness can be grand but can also be enjoyed in the smallest of things. Hot chocolate with marshmallows. Fresh bed sheets. A kiss on the forehead. A green light.

Positivity isn’t easy. Once you practice it though, you’ll find that your everyday can be made more joyful. Say no to negativity and yes to positivity!

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