Born in the Year of the Snake? A great year to travel, says Master Joseph Chau

Stock image of a rattlesnake.
Image by Foto-RaBe from Pixabay

MANILA, Philippines — In the Western scenario, the Snake has a somewhat negative reputation. Sneaking, hissing, slithering, the serpent is often associated with the dark arts. But not for the Chinese, who believe the Snake symbolizes longevity and fortune, even luck, love and happiness.

But how does the Rabbit look at the Snake — in a positive or negative light? And what does the Year of the Water Rabbit hold for persons born in the Year of the Snake?  

In a 2023 forecast reading recently hosted by Marco Polo Ortigas Manila, Feng Shui Master Joseph Chau gave his forecast on what is in store for the Snake this year.

Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

  • Your travel star is up. This is going to be a busy and changing year for the Snake and a great time to travel.
  • Be flexible. Be able to adapt to sudden changes and live with the conditions you are faced with.
  • Maintain a good relationship with other people if you do not want to be isolated and alone.
  • Money luck will be with you if you work hard. "More work, more gain" will be true for you. The thing is that you will gain much, but you will not be able to accumulate wealth in the Year of the Water Rabbit.
  • This Chinese motto applies to you: "Strength is not less than wealth."
  • Be patient. Try your best to improve your relationship with people around you.
  • Try not to take things too hard and, instead, let nature take its course.
  •  Pay special care and attention to the senior members of the family, particularly when it comes to road safety.

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