Phl products soon on cruise ships

MANILA, Philippines - Malunggay tea, coconut sugar and San Miguel beer, all proudly Philippine-made, may soon be available on cruise ships after the world’s leading cruise lines have expressed serious interest in carrying these products on board, according to the Philippine Embassy in Washington.

In a report to Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, Ambassador Jose Cuisia Jr. said officials of Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise Lines whom he met during a recent economic diplomacy in Florida have all signified interest in carrying Philippine products on their cruise ships.

“The cruise lines welcomed our proposals for them to carry Philippine-made products such as souvenirs and furniture as well as other alternatives that they could offer their health-conscious guests such as coconut sugar and malunggay tea,” Cuisia said.

Agriculture attaché Josyline Javelosa, who accompanied Cuisia in the mission, said coconut sugar and malunggay tea are among the products that have proven to be promising in terms of consumer reception in United States trade shows such as the Natural Products Expositions and Kosherfest which Filipino food manufacturers have joined in the past few years.

Javelosa said the cruise companies were also urged to consider San Miguel products and fresh Philippine mangoes and bananas.

Commercial counselor Maria Roseni Alvero said food products offered to the cruise lines go through a stringent pre-qualification process.

Alvero said Philippine products like dried and processed fruits, seafood and beverages will benefit not only cruise guests but also a large number of crewmembers who go for ethnic food and condiments.

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