Celebrating your youth through travel

MANILA, Philippines - Being a twenty-something is perhaps one of the most exciting seasons in your life. You are young, free and open to new adventures. You are financially independent, with a decent job that allows you to indulge in life’s little luxuries.

Treating yourself to fine things is good, especially when it’s well-deserved. But Trafalgar travel director Brendon Bush says, “While it is tempting to spend your hard-earned money on things that provide instant gratification like fashionable clothes or the latest gadgets, there is nothing quite like saving up for your dream vacation and experiencing it during one of the most pivotal stages of your life.”

Having gone to 75 countries — and counting — in his lifetime and working as Trafalgar’s travel director since 2003, Bush is perhaps the best person to tell you what you can get out of traveling, especially when you are young, free-spirited and have your whole future ahead of you.

“Travel gives you a chance to explore the world on your own, and trust me, now is the right time,” Bush says. “I could not think of a better way to celebrate your youth than by seeing the world and soaking in amazing experiences that will make up for interesting stories and memories in the future.”

Trafalgar, available in the Philippines through local partner Pan Pacific Travel Corp., offers Cost Saver trips that are budget-friendly, without sacrificing the quality of your guided vacation.

That way, you can get a taste of key destinations such as Europe and Britain, explore what they have to offer, and even find out which place demands a second visit.

“Travel greatly enhances you as an individual because you learn new things and get the chance to see things in a new perspective based on your interaction with the place and its people,” Bush says.

And since your twenties are also usually spent meeting new people and going out on dates, travel offers great promise in this department. “If you are given the opportunity to travel, then go and explore new places and try new activities. It’s an excellent way to meet new people. Enjoy conversations with those in your travel group and learn something new from each other. Who knows, you might stumble into someone special,” Bush says.

Twenty-somethings who crave for the ultimate travel experience will not be disappointed with the unique activities offered by Trafalgar. Being locals in their designated cities, Trafalgar travel directors like Bush are known for providing guests with exclusive and immersive experiences, exposing them to the heart and soul of the city they know and love well.

They will also take you through Trafalgar’s unique Be My Guest experience, allowing you to dine with the locals, and even assisting them in buying ingredients and preparing the dishes that they will cook for you.

Bush adds: “Much like what we see in movies, travel is a good way to refresh and free the mind. It offers a much-needed break from work. Take it as an opportunity to spend quality time with yourself, to give yourself room to think and reflect without interruption, to recharge after months and months of hard work.”

Ultimately, traveling in your twenties is an excellent means toward self-discovery. “Wherever you are at present, there are people who know you and there are norms you live by. But when you go to a faraway place where you’d practically be a stranger, you will get to know yourself more because you can act freely, as you please,” concludes Bush.


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