Body party

MANILA, Philippines - Tis the season again when calorie counting, working out, and laying off the carbs become a daily ritual. Yes, Supremos, summer is finally here. And while we’re still working (or twerking) our asses off to achieve that perfect beach bod, we’d like to introduce you to your potential future fitspirations. Those with perfectly chiseled six packs, size zero waistlines, or to put it simply, those that are, you know, just gifted with  overly rapid metabolisms. Kidding. These folks have surely worked hard, keeping fit and eating healthy to achieve those bikini-and flex-worthy bodies. Supreme introduces the finalists for this year’s Century Tuna Superbods.

Mauro Lumba, 21

Being a Superbod is more than having a great body and healthy mind. A Superbod must also know how to use his capacities to inspire other people.         

Start working out now. Start following a healthy diet now and go for your goals. If you’re going to adjust your workout schedule every now and then, nothing’s going to happen. Just enjoy every routine, every phase, because in the end, you’ll congratulate yourself for a job well done.


Grace Murillo, 30

Besides having a physically fit body, you definitely need a fit mind to be a Superbod. Most of it is mental.

My advice is to get out there and do it! We can talk all day about being fit and healthy, but the best time to start is today. Don’t put it off any longer. This is the body you’re going to spend the rest of your life with so treat it right

Marneil Anthony Lim, 23

I think having the complete package is what makes a Superbod. It’s also about being down-to-earth, and I think being relatable is a major key. The biggest tip I can give anyone is consistency, both in exercise and eating healthy. Don’t look at it as a temporary thing but as a lifestyle. Not only will you love how you look, but your body will also love you. It’s the key to longevity in life.


Sara Polverini, 26

To be a Superbod is to be able to inspire other people that they can reach their fitness goals and motivate them to live a healthy lifestyle. Just have your goal and challenge yourself. I have also gone through the same stage, and through determination and discipline I was able to lose around 20 pounds. Have a healthy mind as well!


Paula Camille Marciano, 20

To be a Superbod, you have to be a person with a healthy mind, fit body, and a positive attitude. Before the competition, I stopped eating junk food and drinking soda. I no longer eat rice at night. I do cardiovascular exercises every morning. For all the gals and guys, especially the ladies with the same age as mine, start living a healthy lifestyle as early as today! Eat right, exercise, and most importantly be optimistic!

Evan Spargo, 25

Being a Superbod takes commitment to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It’s not about finding a quick fix, but creating lifetime habits that can be sustained.     

Have fun with everything that involves being healthy. Try different sports and constantly change your gym routine so that you keep your body guessing. Enjoy eating healthy by looking up different recipes that are natural, and most importantly delicious. Always include a cheat day (my personal favorite) where you can let go and recharge for another solid week ahead of commitment.





Almirante, 22

To be a SuperBod, you must be fit, physically and mentally to cope  with the everyday challenges. Not merely surviving but thriving as well. You must be in an agreement with yourself to stay healthy, not just skinny.

It’s never too late to change your lifestyle into something healthier and better. Getting the body you “want” means you have to take care of it by keeping it clean. Pump up your metabolism by eating right and exercising.




Gerard Go, 25

To be a Superbod, you have to have the passion. It doesn’t take too much effort to be healthy. You just have to eat clean. Climb the stairs if it’s not that high of a building. Instead of using your car to go around, walk or opt for a bike. You also need to be knowledgeable about what you’re aiming for, so read a lot of informative books. Stay focused and train harder each time. It’s never too late to have that figure you’ve always wanted.




Nicole Kaufmann, 24

Being a Superbod means more than having a healthy physique. It’s about having a healthy and happy mind as well.  I avoid unhealthy food, do circuit training, and always keep a positive mindset. My fitness advice is to be inspired by the transformation of other people. If they can, then you can as well. There’s just no excuse. Start now and you’ll be happy with the better version of yourself.





Julio Alberto

de Leon, 21

One must not only be fit to be a Superbod. He must train each and every aspect of himself: the mind, the body, how one interacts with others, the spirit — it all incorporates into being a Superbod. I don’t advise going on a diet, because eventually you’re gonna get out of it. Eating right is better than eating less. With workouts, motivation is key. Keep workouts — intense and explosive. You don’t have to stay for hours in the gym or even go to the gym for that matter. Keep it fun and once you start, don’t stop.




Rendon Labador, 28

Being a Superbod is going beyond the title. There will always be younger, more good-looking, billboard-worthy men with the most rock hard abs out there. But to be super is to embody that core value of living a transformed life through dedication and determination. Stop making excuses. Set your mind on things you want to achieve. Start small and achieve these until you have a fitter sense of what you can do. That way you can go out there and make bigger goals. In my case, I’ve grown to learn that there’s never tomorrow, only now.





Anderson, 22

To be a Superbod is to have the determination and willingness to promote your advocacy. Mine is to reach out to girls who have weight problems. Personally, I train every day. I do Plyometrics and just eat clean. If I can do it, so can you. I was really big before and it was really hard. Pushing yourself to go further and reach your goals may be hard at first, but it’s doable.





Tolenaars, 27

To be a Superbod, one must be fit and healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally. You must also have the confidence.

I’ve always lived an active and healthy lifestyle since I was a kid. I guess I owe it to my parents as well. Eat healthy and engage in sports. You will thank yourself for doing these things once you see the results.




Nicole Marable, 19

A Superbod has the confidence to achieve his or her goals and at the same time has the motivation to encourage other people to go the extra mile and start living a healthy lifestyle. I do a lot of workouts. From 140, I’m now down to 115 lbs. I realized how I didn’t take care of my body before. I decided to start living healthy to gain back my confidence. Just exercise regularly and keep everything in moderation. As for diet, eat fruits and vegetables and low- calorie yet healthy food.





Miguel Lasala, 25

A Superbod has the ability to inspire people. It’s a lifetime commitment and an opportunity. I go to the gym regularly and I always remind myself to focus on and reach for my fitness goals. What you become by achieving your goal is far more important than achieving it, so step up and transform for the better. I used to be really heavy before, but because of passion and determination I was able to do it.




Diane Mae Tan, 22

To be a Superbod not only takes beauty and a healthy body, but also a strong mind set. The process starts in the mind because the mind is the key to discipline. If you do not consciously make the decision to be fit and live a healthy life style, then you will lack the motivation to reach your goal.





Alaiza Malinao, 20

To be a Superbod, one must have a big heart, a positive mind, a healthy and active lifestyle, and an attitude that does not easily give up.

A Superbod is not just someone who wants her body to look beautifully sexy. She is committed to achieving a healthier lifestyle by eating the right food and engaging in proper exercise. Dedication, a determined heart, and knowledge about diet and exercise can pave one’s way to fitness.





de Murga, 27

 A Superbod has enough discipline and drive to conquer his limits and achieve a healthy mind and body. It’s really just about following a healthy diet. More fruits, vegetables, and less fatty food. We’ve also been doing coach Jim’s workout plan, Metafit. I’m into soccer, too, so I guess that helped a lot. Moderation is key. Eat healthy, or eat what you want, but know your limits so you don’t waste the time you spend working out.



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