Introducing... Diana Victorious

MANILA, Philippines - There’s a price to pay for wanting to be the next Kate Bush over the next Beyonce. It’s a lesson Diana Vickers learned during her time on the UK singing competition The X-Factor.

In her first music video, Once, with artfully-styled hair, professionally-applied makeup, and bevy of short dresses, she looks like a pop star to rival British Pop Queen Cheryl Cole. But the close-ups, the almost reckless way she puckers her lips when singing, and that voice — Norah Jones by way of Dolores O Riordan, but without the jazz phrasing of the former nor the bellowing power of the latter — paint her as a different kind of pop star.

Instead of Beyonce and Lady Gaga, she was taking her cues from personal heroes like Kate Bush and Bjork. She says, “When I was on the show, I just said to myself, I’m just going to be me and sing the songs I want to do. I think a lot of people listen to that type of music. I know The X-Factor has a lot of commercial songs and I just thought I’ll sing the songs I wanna sing.”

If on The X-Factor, she was accused of shrieking — by Simon Cowell, of course — and sometimes sounding like a cat being strangled, her debut album “Songs from the Tainted Cherry Tree” reveals an artist with her own voice and her own style, at least compared to her fellow reality show graduates. Aside from singles Once and The Boy Who Murdered Love, the highlights include the Nerina Pallot song Put It Back Together and a cover of the Sugarcubes Hit.

“When I met with my record label, I said I want to be unique, I want to be creative and be involved in the album. They said we want that too and give you as much freedom as you want.” She eventually ended up co-writing most of the album, with a team that counts Ellie Goulding, Patrick Wolf, and Lightspeed Champion among them.

Diana Vickers wasn’t made for a show like X-Factor and we are all the better for it. She’s the kind of Idol contestant who’s too constrained by the theme nights because in that context, not being able to handle a behemoth like Mariah Carey Week makes her subpar. She’s more unique than that. As a singer, her phrasing is often peculiar and sometimes self-indulgent. But as a performer, she’s never less than interesting. When she gets it right, like she did on the Snow Patrol cover she performed on Live Lounge (YouTube it!), she nails it.

And if there was any doubt to her singing capabilities, her acclaimed West End run in The Rise and Fall of Little Voice more than silenced her critics. In a play that required her to be able to sing like Edith Piaf and Judy Garland, she passed with flying colors. “Now it’s become a sort of party trick,” she says.

In her initial audition, Simon remarked that her Damien Rice cover was hardly perfect. The vocals lacked controlled and the lack of stage school polish was palpable. “But in terms of relevance, standing out in the crowd, not having to listen to stage school monsters singing Annie,” Simon explained, “I absolutely loved it.” At the door of legitimate pop stardom, it’s this earthiness and lack of polish that make her a potentially-compelling pop star.

“I have no idea where I’ll end up,” she admits. “I just want to make a few successful albums, hopefully do some acting and you know, just be happy. I don’t want to put my hopes and dreams into something and be let down.”

‘I’ve always wanted to be a pop star’

SUPREME: What song takes you back to that exact moment when you knew a career in music was what you’ve always wanted?

DIANA VICKERS: Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved singing and performing. I used to sing Queen songs to my mom and do little shows for her. I’d also sing songs by Celine Dion. I’ve always wanted to be a pop star. That was as far as I could remember.

How did you get to collaborate with Lightspeed Champion? Did you meet each other online or did your record label set things up?

I went to a book signing and Devonté [Hynes] was reading a poem there. After that, we just chatted away for ages. He plays the trumpet and this and that. Before we knew it, we were like, “Why don’t we write together?” And we ended up doing Me & You.

What was it like working with Ellie Goulding? She’s a rising star herself. Did she give you any tips?

It was enjoyable! I worked with her before she even got signed and she’s very talented. It was a pleasure working with her.

I read somewhere that you get nervous before a performance. Do you still suffer from stage fright or is it better now?

I still do! I always get nervous, I always get butterflies in my tummy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Can you tell us more about your single Once?

Well basically, it’s a pop song with synth bass and it’s got a lot of rock edge to it. It is about that person who broke your heart and that awful feeling you get when you’re really, really hurt.

How was it filming the video?

It took very long hours but it was amazing — the clothes, the food. It was great! It was very time-consuming but I’m very pleased with the outcome.

If you could build a shrine for someone, who would that be and why? What would it look like?

It would be Judy Garland. I love her! She’s really incredible. I think she’s so talented and she’s just a great inspiration. She has a unique voice and has a passion about music. Her and Edith Piaf!

Are you a fan of any TV show?

I love Friends and Sex and the City. Also The X-Factor and things like that.

I’m happy you brought up The X-Factor! See, my last question is: who do you think would win in a fight: Cheryl Cole or Victoria Beckham?

I think Cheryl Cole without a doubt! She’s a feisty little one. — Gino de la Paz

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