Killing a little time with The Killers

If there’s anything we can learn from The Killers these past few records, it’s that it’s not a crime to go for bigness. After the release of their debut album “Hot Fuss” in 2004, it wouldn’t be long before the music snobs who’d discovered rock that was like blood on the dance floor were joined by entire dance floors hopping to and chanting the chorus to Mr. Brightside. From rock band enthusiasts playing When You Were Young on plastic guitars to diehard fans who think “Are we human or are we dancer?” is the greatest philosophical question of our time, The Killers have certainly claimed a lot of lives. 

Of course, the body count will be pretty high when The Killers head to the SM Mall of Asia concert grounds on January 31. As expected of a band birthed in Sin City Las Vegas, bright lights, big production, and some killer showmanship should be in order — guitarist Dave Keuning, bassist Mark Stoermer, drummer Ronnie Vannucci Jr., and criminally cool front man Brandon Flowers launching us from the dusty, Americana-sturdy ground of “Sam’s Town” to the synth-sputtering space of their latest studio album “Day & Age.”

With Flowers killing lots of time on his iPhone these days, we didn’t hesitate to make contact with the style-evolutionary space man for some condensed communication like the kids do this day and age.

We are a nation under Manny Pacquiao. Being from Las Vegas, you catch any of his fights over there? Or would you rather go see a Donny & Marie show? 

Boy, that’s a tough one.

Since you’d gotten the show on the road, any specific experiences make for crazy ideas for a next record?

That’s a good question. Many times, experiences, especially on tour, lend themselves as seeds for ideas and music. One time in El Paso, there was a guy after the show in a back alley playing with fireworks. He sort of put on a show for everyone, had an accident, and blew off part of his hand. A couple of days later we wrote Losing Touch. 

The title of the latest album, “Day & Age” is also mentioned in the lyrics of The World We Live In. Simplistically, the song is about disillusionment with, well, the world. What about this day and age can you guys not stand? The Kardashians? Glee? Twitter?

The lawyer? What’s Glee? I know what Twitter is. For me, I’m blown away by how much things are changing. I can’t believe how much I’m on my iPhone these days. It’s sick. I’m striving to make life more simple.   

They still play Mr. Brightside in clubs here and everyone still goes apeshit for it. Do you ever think, “Jesus, get over that damn song already”?

That’s just the way it is, I guess. I don’t ever want to discourage anyone from having a good time or liking our music. It’s gonna help me buy a Lamborghini one day anyway. 

I brought that up ’cause The Kings of Leon thought it was a drag having the mom jeans crowd as fans after Sex on Fire…

They love the moms. Don’t let them fool you.

I guess I wouldn’t mind having a karaoke hit for a song either. What’s your top karaoke pick?

I Wanna Dance with Somebody is always a hit. 

After listening to Spaceman, I concluded the lyrics “It’s all in your mind” are about fame. That after “wanting it all” during the Brightside era, you’re telling everybody that “all” is not all it’s cut out to be.  

Getting warmer... 

Well, the galactic bird suit worn in the Spaceman video could rival Lady Gaga’s garb. You both sung at a Pet Shop Boys concert. She’s a huge fan of yours. Is the feeling mutual?

She’s a talent with an imagination, what’s not to admire?

You’d also collaborated with Luke Perry on a holiday single for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS in Africa. What was it like working with Dylan from 90210?   

Unfortunately, we were on tour when the video was made and did not have the chance to meet Luke. We’re planning a barbecue, though. Hopefully, he’ll come around.

And do you boys have any time for The Hangover — like Vegas nights when you’re back home?

Well, we’re usually gone touring other places. When we’re home, we pretty much stay busy doing other things.  

You used handlebar mustaches and pheasant feathers as style statements to go with your last and latest records respectively. How about Mad Max — type outfitting to go with an apocalyptic new album? It’d be good since you guys like the desert and all.

Yes, we’re pretty fond of the desert. It’s home. Once the new record gets rolling, I’m sure the art direction will be congruent with the music, somehow. 

Speaking of the apocalypse, what would you like to be doing when the world turns to shit?

I don’t believe in that stuff. However, if the world does end, I’d prefer to go out with a bang. Yes, having sex.

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Tickets to The Killers Live in Manila are available at Ticketworld and Ticketnet outlets (891-999 or 911-555). Or call Eventscape Manila at 568-6908 and 727-7765.

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