Look and feel younger

I have just come from the salon and had my hair dyed just a natural color. The other day I went to see my favorite hairdresser and got a haircut. It sort of falls into having long bangs. My friends compliment me, saying I look so young. But it’s not the haircut that makes me look at least 10 years younger than my age. It’s StemEnhance Ultra.

Once upon a time, StemEnhance was introduced in the Philippines by a good-looking, brilliant scientist named Christian Drapeau. But before I met Drapeau, the food supplement was introduced to me by my friend, Gon Bunag. When I ran into Gon, I had had a stroke and I was strange. My stroke was in my right brain, my creative side. It turned off all my emotions. I could not laugh out loud the way I was known to, nor could I cry. My entire personality changed. Even my looks, I am told. I was just talking to an old friend recently and she told me the last time she saw me was after my stroke and I looked terrible.

My stroke was in 2003. I ran into my old friend Gon in 2009, after my mother, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s, had passed away. He was looking good. I complimented him. He said it was because of the food supplement he was taking. “Want to try it?” he asked. I said I would. Then, it cost P3,200 a bottle, I think.

I took three capsules every morning. After around 10 days I noticed I was more alert. Where once I stayed in my pajamas all day unless I had an appointment, I began to get up, shower, get dressed and look for things to do. It was expensive but it made me feel more energetic so I decided to keep taking it. After around eight months I heard a strange sound in my head. That night I went out with friends who noticed that my old laugh was back. When I wrote my weekly column, I noticed my old style was back. My original personality had returned. That’s when I decided to sell StemEnhance, which was sold not in retail stores but by direct sellers. I decided to sell it because, personally, I knew it helped stroke victims. It definitely helped me.

That went on for a few years. But then suddenly they closed our local office. Christian Drapeau, the brilliant scientist who had formulated the pill, had had some disagreement with the company president and left. The entire sales force felt lost. Many of them were recruited by another similar company but I still craved StemEnhance. One day one of my friends called me and offered me StemEnhance Ultra. “This is the new formulation of Christian Drapeau,” she said. “I can supply you but it’s a lot more expensive now because it costs a lot to bring in and it relies on the dollar exchange rate.” I was happy to get some products from her.

When we decided to get married I gave my husband four capsules every morning. Until now I give him that. He is turning 80 soon but he doesn’t look it. He looks around 65. Not only that, his body functions perfectly well. I think that is the work of StemEnhance Ultra.

Me? There was a time I was taking four capsules also but lately I don’t feel I need that big a dose. So I reduced it to two capsules again. Two capsules every morning when you wake up about half an hour before breakfast is the normal dose.

What makes it so good? It is made from blue-green algae and spirulina. These two natural elements produce millions of stem cells in our bodies. Stem cells are our body’s healing systems. They replace dead cells and repair broken ones. So they have no specialty. I’ve had all sorts of questions from people who think like traditional doctors.

They ask — is it good for the kidney or the liver or the brain? All I can say is it will replace your dead cells. What does it mean? It healed me after my stroke. It made me fully alive again. Also, I always had one lousy malfunctioning kidney. Now both my kidneys feel like they work normally. I don’t believe in traditional doctors anymore. They always give me so many drugs and sometimes they contradict each other.

 But best of all, StemEnhance Ultra, I believe, is what keeps me looking younger than 73. However I’m sorry to say the price has gone up again. A few days ago it went up to P4,400 per bottle plus delivery fare. It is the fault of accelerating rates of passage and the dollar exchange. Remember, it comes from the US. They have not yet set up an international system of distribution. The most important thing is — it makes our cherished possessions work well again.

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