Which prayers do you find most powerful?

I am where I am now because of prayers. I am a witness to the great miracles that prayers bring. When I am happy, need guidance or advice, or when I feel an injustice has been done to myself or my loved ones, prayers never fail to produce positive results. Prayers have shown me that our Lord is very much present in our lives and is willing to grant our request for as long as we fervently ask and if it is really meant for us.

We cannot just pray and then do the opposite in our lives. Our prayers will be more powerful and immediately answered if we live our lives by helping and doing good without expecting anything in return.

Julie M. Torres

There are so many powerful prayers and the rosary is one, but the most powerful prayer for me the silent prayer I make each day, when I read the daily scripture and Bible. I close my eyes, remain silent and bathe myself in the presence of the Lord. It sometimes takes 30 minutes to an hour and sometimes just 15-20 minutes. I learned to do this kind of prayer when I joined a charismatic renewal in 1980.

Joanna Preysler Francisco, retailer and gallery owner, Carbon, Tint, Joanna Presyler Boutique, Eterno, Provenance Art Gallery

When I am scared, panicking or down and feel like I am at a loss for words, I simply say, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Please help me trust in Your will.” I just repeat it and find comfort in knowing that the Lord knows my heart and knows all my concerns. I am His child and He has a plan for me!


Cherry T. Reyes, CEO Toni & Guy Philippines

My most powerful prayer is the rosary because it’s almost second nature to me. I pray the rosary during Chot’s games, and when I have special requests, especially for the kids. I find it powerful because many of my prayers are answered. I guess because it’s also my name — Ma. Rosario.

Fr. Dennis Paez, SBD

The most powerful prayer, but only when prayed with humility and slowly, savoring every powerful word, is the “Hail Mary.” This is my conviction from so many experiences. It is the prayer the enemy hates the most, and which the Lord Jesus cannot resist when it is prayed with humble faith.

Grace Singson, former congresswoman, 2nd District, Ilocos Sur, former mayor of Candon City

Although I do the daily prayers of morning, offering “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” and the rosary, I still believe that the sincerest prayer to God is my personal prayer, thanking him for a new day and imploring our Lord’s goodness and mercy to allay my fears — fear of sickness, pain, worries, heights, danger and even looking old — and I pray for the safety of my family. I offer myself in full trust in the Lord and I look forward to a nice and cheerful day ahead. “God bless you” is such a short prayer, but it means so much. It means, “May the Lord with His gracious hands give you more than what you deserve, more than what you expect, and more than what you have prayed for.”

Giselle Sanchez, host, singer and actress

“Healing Father, I thank You for the gift of life, I thank You for sending Your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save me and to set me free. I trust in Your power and grace to sustain and restore me. Living Father, touch me now with Your healing hands, I believe that Your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Cover me with the most precious blood of Your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Cast out anything that should not be in me. Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. Open my blocked arteries and veins and build and rebuild and replenished any damaged areas. Remove any inflammation and cleanse any infection by the power of Jesus’ precious blood. Let the fire of Your healing love pass through my body to heal my diseases areas so that my body will function the way You created it to be. Touch also my mind, my memories and my emotions. Even the deepest recesses of my heart. Saturate my entire being with Your holy spirit and empower me to serve You so that my life will bring glory and honor to Your holy name. I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

Paco Magsaysay, founder and managing director, Carmen’s Best Ice Cream

The most powerful prayer for me is one that comes from the heart. I have nothing against people who recite prayers from memory; if that’s how they feel that God hears them, then I respect that. It’s just, for me personally, prayers should be sincere and spontaneous. To me, a heartfelt prayer for worship, gratitude, guidance and acceptance makes it very powerful and, more importantly, personal. I look at prayers as our regular conversations with God, so mine are usually casual and freewheeling. 

Sr. Nerissa “Bubbles” Bandojo, RC

All prayers are powerful because the God we pray to is all-powerful. Our prayer must not be so focused on ourselves but on how we grow in our relationship with God.


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