Iron women, stronger moms

 MANILA, Philippines - With the seemingly limitless love they share, moms often show love for themselves the least.

Sangobion believes that it is only by focusing on their own well-being and pampering themselves once in a while, can moms rediscover that in order to give love, they must begin by loving themselves first.

Sangobion recently launched “Go Love Life!” campaign at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel to remind women that to be at their best, they must lead a life that they love.

 The launch was also the kick-off for Sangobion’s 15-day challenge. In addition to taking Sangobion everyday for 15 days, these women also made the pledge to practice loving themselves first and to encourage other women to do the same.

Sangobion contains Ferrous gluconate, an organic iron, which is absorbed better by the body to help fight the signs of iron deficiency like fatigue, paleness, dizziness, and lack of focus and concentration, which women experience when they neglect themselves. Each capsule is chocolate-scented that leaves no iron after-taste.  Sangobion also contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B12, copper, and manganese to build healthy red blood cells and immune system. It also contains sorbitol, which acts as anti-constipating agent that generally occurs in iron supplementation. 

 For information, visit

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