Georgina Wilson likes real-life stories

 I always bump into Georgina Wilson at events, but recently I was pleasantly surprised when I was in a meeting with her to do some volunteer work. The details are still being ironed out but it’s going to improve the lives of more than a few families. Considering the full life she leads, with so many endorsements tucked under her belt, I was happy to discover a different Georgina, through her reading list. (I will let her announce her advocacy in her own platform.)

Georgina Wilson’s 5 Favorite Books and Why:

1. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery. “One of the first books I ever fell in love with. Helped me embrace and make sense of things I didn’t understand at the time.”

2. Fools’ Gold by Gillian Tett. “One of the first books I read on the 2008 financial crash. Clearly explained by Financial Times economist Gillian Tett, it was a huge eye opener.”

3. Superfreakanomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. “The second, third and fourth books on my list are the type that I really enjoy reading nowadays. Seems my creative side has died recently and I enjoy nonfictional/analytical books more than fiction. Superfreakanomics I especially loved because of the quirky and unconventional use of economic logic. Must read!”

4. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. “Gladwell analyzes the factors that contribute to high levels of success. The ‘10,000 Rule’ is mentioned often, explaining that to highly succeed in any field you need about 10,000 hours of practice! Some examples analyzed include The Beatles and Bill Gates. Very interesting.”

5. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. “Has been proclaimed as one of the best books of all time. It is a classic story of doomed love. I read this when I was very young and I fell in love with the heroine.”

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“The Reading Club” recommends 12 Wonderful Things About the Filipino & Our Motherland by Alex Lacson available in all National Bookstores and PowerBooks.

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