What's your favorite quote from your dad?

My dad (Bert Romulo) has a favorite play and movie, and it’s A Man For All Seasons. He always cites the character of Thomas More as being someone with an “adamantine sense of his own self.” He’s always stressed to us, his children, that no matter the circumstance and happenstance of any situation, we should know the part of us that cannot, by any means, be trespassed upon, which gives our life meaning, and which we cannot live without. It’s not about being stubborn but having strength of character; not just bravura but being truly brave.

Robina Gokongwei Pe

In the beginning my dad (John Gokongwei) had no grandchildren. “I will give cars to anyone who can give me a grandson!” he used to exclaim. Between us siblings and myself, our dad now owes us seven cars.

Ron Cruz, TV and news personality

“You’re only as respectable as the man facing you.” My dad (Rolly V. Cruz) was always one for humility and respecting others. He taught us to never act “higher” than anyone we’re with, regardless of the person’s position or stature in life. 

Ina Calalang Ayala, wife/mom

“Live to eat” (not eat to live!) is the first thing that comes to mind. He (my dad, Conrad Calalang) did not coin that phrase, but he certainly lives by it! Traveling with him is the best, as he shows you where and how to best please the palate. Anyone who has been on these trips with him knows what I am talking about. Watching him hunt down different restaurants and dishes is an art in itself. From him we have learned that spending time at the table, sharing a beautifully cooked meal with family and friends, is what makes life delicious!  

Rep. Albee B. Benitez, 3rd District Negros Occidental

This is what my father (Jolly Benitez) would often tell me: “Papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako.”

Jiggy Aquino Cruz, brand manager

My dad (Eldon Cruz) told me never to sell myself short. He taught me to always give my best in anything that I do and never give a mediocre performance!

Former Pampanga Rep. Rimpy Bondoc

My dad (Dr. Emigdio Bondoc) said: “95 percent of the happiness and sadness in your life will depend on who you marry.” So I’m so thankful for my beloved Paula who is the greatest blessing that God gave me. Truly my dad was right; I can’t imagine a life without my Paula and all the joy, happiness, and love she has brought me!

DOJ Assistant Secretary Indy Sy

Dads are under-loved. They need a pat, a kiss and a hug. There are many things we can do to pry open their emotions if only we try and stay constant to each other. My dad’s (Philip Sy) best advice to his eldest son is to value one’s well-being above all by doing things half a step slower — go with the flow of life. I love you, Pa!

Rep. Mitch Cajayon, 2nd District, Caloocan City

My dad (Reynaldo Cajayon) would always say: “Judge each day not by the harvest that you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” The harvest that you reap depends on the kind of seeds you sow. Whatever you give out to others, God will eventually give back to you. You reap what you sow. 

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