More advice and help for the over-aged & unemployed

Dear Nanay,

I was struck by the subject of the letter writer “SI” and felt her urgent need to do something about her dire straits. Please allow me to add my two cents’ worth of advice.

From the way she wrote her letter, I sensed that she is a highly educated woman and that she has a way of expressing herself articulately. Good writing skills are always an asset. If she has just been thinking of jobs in the category of finance/commerce/accounting or her area of expertise, may I suggest that she look beyond these and find that she can earn well by utilizing her writing skills. She has it in her. She has to believe this. She can be a writer/contributor or she can also be an editor for a publication or for someone. She can be a researcher.

I am telling you this because this has happened to me. I am even older than her at 51. I work from our home computer. I submit my edited articles through the Internet. What is important is the value of the work that one does and age will not really be a hindrance as long as one possesses the educational and professional skills to meet the needs of the job. I wish her well and I wish that she can search herself and find that she has other talents that can finally answer her family’s needs.        — CCM

Dear CCM,

Thank you for your inspiring story. I think your story is also very interesting because of your insights into the possibility of a career change for SI. Many people are actually afraid of the prospect of a career change thinking that they are too old to learn new things. But as I often say, you are never too old to learn something new or to start over again.

Keep believing in yourself. Keep learning. And never give up!



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Dear Nanay,

Greetings. I got intrigued when I read in your column this last Sunday, April 17, wherein two of your readers shared the experiences to uplift the spirit of SI. So I retrieved the April 10 issue from our storage room and read the letter of SI who’s in dire need of a decent job.

I understand her predicament and I am moved to extend my help in getting her a decent job. Kindly ask her to get in touch with me soonest. May God bless her abundantly. Also for you, Nanay, who have been helping lots of people in their problems, may God bless you and your family abundantly and may you have good health always.

— Lucille

Dear Lucille,

I will forward your phone number to SI. Thank you for your generous offer to help.



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Dear Nanay,

I am an avid reader of your column. It is very enlightening. I would appreciate it very much if you could help me contact MDGS whose letter appeared previously. I am in need of a painting contractor for a house I am remodeling.

— Ricardo

Dear Ricardo,

I will forward your contact numbers to MDGS.



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