Effective business solutions from the Sun

MANILA, Philippines - Today’s intense market competition requires efficient business solutions for a company to survive and stay on top of the game, whether it’s an SME or a conglomerate, a startup or an established enterprise.

A key factor is seamless and efficient communication among the people who drive growth and its operations. If you want to be in the lead, get Sun Message Cast, the latest corporate business solutions only from Sun Business.

Sun Message Cast is a web-based messaging business application that allows a company to send and broadcast text messages to one or multiple recipients across all networks, seamlessly managing inter and intra-communications segment. 

“A study says that the fastest way of sending information today is through SMS. It is in this premise that we made Message Cast Pro, a business solution that helps companies disseminate bulk text messages to their customers,” says Marlon Alberto, business solutions manager.

With Sun Message Cast, companies can facilitate and streamline operations as the concerned staff or departments are alerted at once of important instructions and reminders. Take the case of Tarlac Electric Cooperative I (Tarelco I), an electric utility in Tarlac City, and Trece Martires City Water District, a water provider from Cavite City. These companies differ in the service that they provide their concessionaires, but they have both chosen the only business solutions provider that grants them efficiency and convenience with just one click of a button.

 “We at Tarelco I use Sun Message Cast as a means of disseminating information, announcements and reminders to our employees. Currently, we are preparing to use Sun Message Cast to communicate with our concessionaires to inform them of scheduled power interruptions and other cooperative-related activities,” says Alan Castaneda, administrative division chief of Tarelco I.

Message Cast Pro also allows Trece Martires City Water District to remind their customers of outstanding bills and due dates through text, and aids the said company in providing excellent customer service.

“We use Message Cast to remind our clients of their payment due dates and to inform them of scheduled water interruptions,” says Juliet Ocampo, general manager of Trece Martires City Water District. “Since we used Message Cast, concessionaires are able to pay for their dues on time, thus, billing complaints and issues are lessened.”

Collaborate with a reliable business solutions partner that is the Sun Message Cast, an integral part of Sun’s Specialized Solutions aimed at helping industries run and operate smoothly and efficiently at a lower cost.

For inquiries, call the Sun Business Hotline at 395-8PRO, e-mail business.solutions@digitel.ph or visit www.sunbusiness.com.ph.

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