Our theme: My Icon, My Hero

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Star Lifestyle Section, the leader in lifestyle journalism, announces the second edition of its Lifestyle Journalism Contest, which was launched in 2006. Our contest partners are HSBC, Samsung,Stores Specialists, Inc., Debenhams and Marks & Spencer, all distinguished leaders and innovators in the lifestyle scene. 

What is the contest theme? “My Icon, My Hero.” Your icon or hero may be a distinguished achiever or an unknown, unsung hero. He or she may be young or old, rich or poor. But he or she must be Filipino. 

What are we looking for? Creativity, wit, style and substance. We will choose 10 winners who will be part of our roster of contributing writers. 

What do you win? A total of P204,900 worth of prizes for each of the 10 winners. That’s a P50,000 writing contract from The Philippine Star, P50,000 in cash from HSBC, P50,000 in gift certificates from

Stores Specialists, Inc., Debenhams and Marks & Spencer, and a 37-inch LCD TV set from Samsung worth P54,900. HOW TO JOIN:

1. Write your article on your icon or hero in approximately 1,200 words. We accept only original, unpublished works. You may submit as many entries as you wish. But you may win only once.

2. Enclose your passport-size photo, a short biodata, with your address and contact number.

3.E-mail these to philstar_ Or send a CD with printout to The Philippine Star Lifestyle Journalism Awards 2010, The Philippine Star, Roberto Oca St. corner Railroad St., Port Area, Manila.

4. Submit your entries on or before April 17, 2010. The 10 winners will be announced in June and will receive their prizes in a venue to be announced later. The winning entries will be published in The Philippine Star.

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