What's the best time of your life?

Our lives are marked by ups and downs, the passage of time is remembered by the best and the worst of times. Here, our friends remember the best moments in their lives and you’d be surprised by how diverse their answers are.

LILA ALMARIO, shoe designer: There are many, and one of these was when I lived and studied in Jesi, Italy, a city just off the Adriatic Coast. How absolutely amazing it felt to be amid the backdrop of old castles with ancient cobblestone passageways, soaking in the diverse treasure trove of centuries-old and modern arts, the melodic accents of a great Latin language, the breathtaking battlements of old walled cities — while studying the techniques of the work I love doing — making shoes and bags. Not to mention the food and wine, right in the birthplace of what I would like to think is the world’s mother cuisine. Co-mingling with fellow students from all over the world and likewise learning about their rich cultures added even more vibrant color to what was indeed one of the best times of my life.

CHERRIE B. DEL ROSARIO, general services manager, Beverly Hills 6750 Cosmetic Institute: The best time of my life was when I had my daughter, because it was a life-changing moment, one of God’s miracles that I am blessed with. It was no longer about myself anymore; you can’t imagine how generous you become when you have a kid.

ANDREW J. MASIGAN, businessman: Mom and Dad raised a huge family. I am the youngest of eight kids, the eldest being 23 years my senior. As far as I can remember, all eight of us were never in one place at one time. One or several of us were always abroad, either for work or for study. When one of my sisters got married in 1986, for the first time, the whole family was complete in our home in LA. We spent four amazing weeks together. Those were the loudest, most chaotic, most frenzied weeks I have ever spent. There were activities 24/7 and the whole caboodle did it together — games, sightseeing trips, parties and of course, the wedding ceremony. I never had so much fun in my life! Not long after, that newlywed sister passed away. So we will never be complete again. Those four weeks were golden, as far as I am concerned.

FERDI SALVADOR: I have been blessed with so many wonderful memories with family, friends and work. However, if I have to choose one I will have to choose a time in my life when I was alone and riding my show horse Reggie during the dead of winter in New Jersey. It was just him and me cantering around the riding area, totally in sync and round, the cold wind in my face and in total control of the situation. I have ridden countless times but at that moment I was overcome by a heightened sense of serenity that I could say was close to a religious experience. I still strive to get to that state and revisit it when I feel down and stressed. Of course, memories of traveling with a crazy group of friends always initiates an earth-shattering cackle that makes me go to my happy place.

CONCHITA RAZON, writer: Without doubt the best time was my 70th birthday. There was a surprise dinner with a concert featuring my favorite singer, a 15-piece orchestra, and a cast composed of my children and grandchildren. At my table, I had my best friends forever. During the show, on a video screen, I watched my two daughters recite their greetings from America. I was sad and missed them, but a few seconds later, they popped out from backstage to join their four siblings, my grandchildren and a great-grandson for the closing chorus of the Muppets’ song, Just One Person. I cried tears of joy! There was no happier woman alive on earth that night. I had all my six children with me. It doesn’t get better than that!

TINNETTE BARTOLOME NISCE, business executive: The best times of my life are numerous. For one, being married for almost 18 years with a responsible man, having two lovely, healthy and witty children and an ever-supportive extended family and friends. From the moment I gave birth to my daughter Natalie in 1993, my son Raphael in 1997, and in Boston, Massachusetts in 1998 when my husband Sonny was taking his Master’s in Law at Boston University, I knew good times were on a roll. The best times are days spent with my family, sometimes doing nothing, wearing my slippers and just knowing we’re all safe and content.

KAREN FABIE CONCEPCION, equestrian/painter: The best times were the days each of my children was born. This incredible miracle is suddenly a significant part of my life forever. The feeling of joy and gratitude is always overwhelming for me and for my husband Ton. This is the best time of my life. Each day of birth moved and changed me for the better and I consider myself truly blessed because of my children who continue to inspire me.

GENE OREJANA, journalist: To say that I have had the best time of my life would be like stopping me from having more of the best of my life. The best is yet to come. For now, I am having the best time of my life with my wife Rowena beside me, watching Pin, Gino, Julian and Josh laughing out loud in their attempts to irritate each other.

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