Close encounters with the devil

Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult, written by Fr. Jose Francisco C. Syquia, published by Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc., reveals the truth about ghosts, witches, the hidden, dark world of demons and how they intersect our daily world.

Fr. Jocis is a most unlikely person to write a book about exorcism. People wonder why he even went into the priesthood. He is the second to the eldest son of the late ambassador Enrique Syquia and socio-civic leader and philanthropist Letty Syquia.

Fr. Jocis says he had a normal childhood. He and his four brothers grew up in the family mansion in North Forbes Park.

A close encounter with a young man possessed by the devil who wanted to strangle him led Fr. Jocis to focus his vocation as a priest in exorcism. He tells the story in Chapter 1 of his book.

Fr. Jocis goes back to what he says was his “normal childhood”   up until he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at the University of Sto. Tomas, and after his graduation, started getting interested in psychology. From psychology, he focused on parapsychology, devouring books on the subject until, he says, he “unknowingly” crossed from parapsychology, which is a science, to the occult, which deals with demonic powers.

“The dreams, so vivid and terrifyingly real, rushed at me the moment I closed my eyes to sleep.” Fr. Jocis writes. He ends Chapters 1 and 2 with teachings related to his terrifying experiences, citing Biblical lessons, Catholic doctrine, and other studies dealing with demonic powers.

The teachings were first part of Fr. Jocis’s research for a technical book on exorcism and deliverance. But he says he decided to come out with a more simplified work for three reasons.

First, to inform people regarding the spirit world, the world of the paranormal and the occult, and the realm of extraordinary demonic activity to help the people know how to view and confront them through the teachings of the Catholic Faith. He adds, “The devil is afraid of the Christian who knows his identity as a precious child of the all-powerful God and knows also how to use the many varied spiritual weapons of the Church.”

The second reason for writing the book is that many Catholics, not knowing the Church’s stand with regard to their paranormal and spiritual dilemmas, usually end up going to occult practitioners which only worsen their situation. Fr. Jocis says he wrote the book because those who are searching for answers in the Church end up reading and believing occult and New Age teachers for lack of any guide. He adds, “Digesting these New Age materials begins for these Catholics a slow movement away from the Triune God and His Church.”

The third and most important reason for the book, especially to the uninitiated, is to warn Catholics about the different ways that they may get involved with demonic forces which would then create deadly bondages in their lives. Also, Fr. Jocis adds, “I hope through this work to give my brother priests — who have not time to do their own research — principles and guidelines that may aid them when they come face-to-face with extraordinary demonic activity in their ministry.”

Fr. Jocis points out: “The New Age Movement has a very subtle way of distorting the way we perceive our Faith. It presents many interesting things that disguise themselves as God-given. Later, one would find himself no longer believing in the teachings of the Church due to New Age false statements or half truths — or both — such as man being a potential god. We should therefore be very careful.”

For details, call Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc. at 411-7874-76, or email

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