You can create your own luck!

Some people are just so lucky. They always seem to be in the right place at the right time. Some are extremely lucky and win millions in the national lottery. But are they really lucky? Is there such a thing as "luck"? If so, we all could use a little of it in our health, financial well-being, business, career, and love life.

There are two kinds of luck — good and bad luck. Good luck, of course, brings with it good fortune and great feelings, while bad luck brings the stuff that we don’t want.

Note that there is a difference between luck as a "chance happening," and luck as an outcome of a series of connected events. If Ms. Hibok-hibok, the old spinster in your town, wins 26 million pesos in the Lotto, she wouldn’t have had much control over her winning other than that of buying a ticket. Hers is a chance happening governed by external, uncontrollable factors, and the possibility of it happening again to the same person is almost zero. That Johnny is lucky to have married Jenny is another thing — he got her to say "I do" through a series of controllable and maybe coincidental events.
How To Increase Your Luck
Stop being a loser.
Luck is believing you’re lucky. —Tennessee Williams. Saying, "I am so unlucky" is detrimental to your luck. Instead, pronounce, "I am the luckiest person alive!" and you will be! Your positive beliefs and winning behavior can boost your good fortune.

Develop a positive attitude. People with a positive frame of mind see the best in situations and are generally more open to opportunities than negative people. When you keep focusing and complaining about the bad things in your life, great possibilities are bound to pass you by. It helps to view your cup as being half-full, not half-empty.

Expect good fortune. Luck is a self-fulfilling prophecy; good luck comes to those who expect it. Visualize yourself lucky and expect to be fortunate. People who think themselves lucky at gambling tend to place more bets or buy more lottery tickets, so they win more often than those who don’t.

Get ready for luck. Chance favors the prepared mind. —Anonymous. An opportunity pops up briefly and if you are not ready for it, you’d never recognize and grab it. Blessings land on those who are ready to receive them.

Be open to new experiences. Unlucky people are stuck in jaded, boring routines. Find fresh ways of doing things that you usually do. Breaking away from the ordinary will present new opportunities, revelations, and discoveries that will enhance your luck and fortune.

Eliminate anxiety and tension. Unlucky people are more tense than lucky ones and their anxiety prevents them from noticing the unexpected. They are either too self-conscious or so focused on something else that they miss out on those all-important chance opportunities.

Learn to spot a chance opportunity. Lucky people spot a chance opportunity easily (like finding a gold chain on a street pavement) while unlucky people don’t. Maximize your daily encounter with luck by sharpening the level of awareness of all your senses.

See the bigger picture. Increase your mindfulness, look at the bigger picture, and find the opportunities. While searching for something, notice other things that might directly or indirectly lead you to what you are looking for. Of course, you must concentrate on the smaller details as well.

Listen to your intuition. Make decisions by trusting your intuition or gut feelings. Heed your lucky hunches which, most of the time, are right. Actively boost your intuitive and imaginative abilities by practicing meditation and other mental exercises.

Act on the opportunity right away! Many people notice opportunities but don’t grab them immediately. The one who patents the idea first, makes the millions. How many people have we heard complain, "I thought of that first!" but didn’t act on it? Action is key!
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