A new year of hope

Soon a New Year will unfold. This once-a-year firecracker – wild celebration is a time when we kiss and hug and give each other last minute gifts not remembering we already gave gifts. We share laughter, drinks and maybe forgiveness with those who have hurt us and those whom we have hurt. While dogs scurry in circles running away from the sound of the bursts of noise and hide under beds. New Year’s Eve is the merriest time of the year.

New Year used to be the only season where nobody was prohibited from spending more than one could afford. Everybody is exempted from scrutiny for splurging on luxuries with an overindulging in food.
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Through the passage of time, it would seem that the real meaning of Christmas has beome dimmed by materialism and the spiritual aspect of the event buried by our concern for merry making and awaiting New Year’s Eve. But the recent calamities have put all that to rest. What fun can we really have when others can’t. Yet admit it everyone does enjoy New Year’s Eve.
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If Christmas is a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness in keeping his promises – one is the promise of salvation the other I believe freedom from our bondage of sin than he continues testing our faithfulness endlessly! It’s a topsy turvy world always and New Year is the time of resolutions as He hopes we keep our promises. Since we call Him Emmanuel, He really is with us, through thick and thin and smog and smoke.

The joy of New Year is in the Lord’s presence in New Year’s Eve and the whole year round in our lives. After all when the wrappings and ribbons are in the trash and the manger is back in our storage rooms and the friends and the families have said good-byes and gone to their assignments – like jobs abroad or it’s back to school or simply the old grind and the street sweepers remove the thrown cigarette butts and candy wrappers strewn about and the house feels empty and so do you – there is one who waits to fill your heart and renew your hope, the forever infant, our Jesus Christ. He was there on Dec. 24 not only for the Christmas season, but everyday of each year.
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As we all share a common purpose and vision for our country to move up and up, let us be reminded that if we succeed or if we fail we are in all this together. Let giving and caring, support and encouragement be a great guide to our outlooks.

After all, God, in His righteousness, intended for us to be cheerful. I am quite sure that He would appreciate some fun anytime. Particularly in the company of our families and anyone we love, so long as we keep his enduring message of love in our hearts resounding above the firecrackers.

May the spirit of the season bring forth peace, prosperity, understanding and greater team work and more encouragement and less criticism.

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