If I could read your mind

In a few days we will go out and vote. By this time we have heard all the campaign promises that our future leaders say they will deliver should they win. But, I would really like to be able to read each candidate’s mind so that I can know if indeed they will do and are capable of doing what they promise. Perhaps, as an added bonus I would also like to read their hearts because it is there where I believe that their real intentions lie. This week I asked some people whose minds they would like to enter. Read on to find out just what they had to say.

: Johnny Depp – for obvious reasons.

NOEL D. FERRER, executive producer, writer, ABS-CBN professor, talent manager and critic: Tito Dolphy. I would like to have his wisdom. I would like to know how he has been able to stay on top of his career for the past 60 years and still remain decent earning him the respect and love of everyone. But, I don’t only want to know what’s on Tito Dolphy’s brilliant mind, I also want to have his good heart, and there I’d find another beautiful person whom I truly admire and love, Ms. Zsa Zsa Padilla.

TIMI NUBLA, news reporter
: It would be God because I’d like to get answers to so many questions about life.

, banker: George Bush, because he went into the war very confident of its outcome. But it doesn’t seem to be turning out the way he expected it to. Is he still as optimistic and idealistic about the moral backing of his war against terrorism? Does he still intend to push through with his purpose?

JUN ESCARIO, fashion designer
: I wanna read Bill Gates’ mind so I can get his PIN (Personal Identification Number) and gain access to all his bank accounts!

I would love to read Anna Wintour’s mind. I want to know who she wants to exile to fashion oblivion. Orlando Bloom, Tom Welling, the Lacoste guy, Brad Pitt, Jason Lewis, Justin Timberlake, Andre Firestone. Need I say more?

INO MANALO, director, Metropolitan Museum of Manila
: I’ve always wanted to know more about 19th century Philippines. I would love to read Jose Lozano’s mind. Lozano was the artist who was skilled in producing "Letras y Figuras," the art of fashioning letters using human figures. His paintings present a whole galaxy of 19th century scenes which I’m sure are replete with many levels of meaning, many hidden symbols, many secrets.

I would like to know why he used certain images. Was there a code? Why did he use the image of the Manila Bay lighthouse in so many of his works?

Reading his mind would mean that I could actually have a first hand experience of our country in the 19th century.

: Lee Harvey Oswald. The man who supposedly killed JFK but was killed before going to trial. I want to know if it was really him and if the government was behind it? Was it a syndicate that hired him? The assassination of JFK is one of the biggest mysteries in the US and I think Lee Harvey Oswald can answer a lot of questions.

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