Give, keep, store

Never underestimate what a few seemingly ordinary things can do to make and keep things organized. Like I said in last week’s column, multi-purpose polyboxes and uniform hangers go a long way in keeping things neat. The former is especially useful if you have a large storage space with no divisions. We have one such cabinet in our dressing room which I use to store toiletries. Although it comes with three shelves I felt the space was still underutilized. Rescue came in the form of rectangular containers (actually meant for food) that I found in Shopwise. They were reasonably priced, sturdy, easy to clean and have served their purpose well over the years. An added bonus is the semi-transparent material that allows you to immediately see what’s inside. Otherwise, you can always label them.

On that note, labeling boxes should be the rule of thumb. The way I do it is by simply writing a big, fat number on the visible part of the stored box and attaching next to it a list of all the items found inside. But to be safe, I always keep a back-up copy of that list and maintain it in my files. That way, I don’t have to go through each and every box in search of something. I can always just look it up in my "sourcebook".

Another good buy would be fabric laundry bags that now come in very pretty designs. I got white embroidered linen ones years back at Chinese Arts and Crafts in Hongkong but I saw something similar at Simple Pleasures in Greenbelt 3. It’s convenient to keep them handy because you can use them for items that need to be hand-washed such as underwear and delicate clothing. A separate bag can also hold those that need to be dry-cleaned. That way, you minimize the chances of clothing items being ruined simply because washing instructions were overlooked.

As far as paperwork is concerned, it’s always best to keep them in organized files. Manuals and warranties, negatives, and clippings I keep in boxes that I got from Tickles and Atmosfera. To simplify things, I always label them and store similar items together.

I was just at the mall yesterday and in Dimensione I found cubed boxes that, upon closer inspection, turned out to be storage boxes masquerading as stools. They even come with wheels so it’s easy to move them around. I use them to store all of Juliana’s drawing materials and once closed again, it can double as a little desk. It’s so cute – it comes in a transparent red and smoky blue color.

You’d be surprised at the variety of containers and storage odds and ends Shopwise and the home department of SM can yield. Remember, there are no hard and fast rules on what can and can’t be used for storage purposes. Before hunting for your perfect set though, you have to at least be equipped with an idea of how much space you will be working with and what kind of items you will need storage boxes for. Although I’m partial to the plain white ones, there is an assortment of colors and shapes to fit every motif, nook and cranny of your house.

Yes, organizing is a chore but it should be a happy one. After all, it is one of those things that once maintained underway, just keeps on giving back – saving you both time and effort. It is never a done job. There will always be stuff to put away because not everyone in your household will be as conscious as you are at keeping things in their right places. That said, however, it shouldn’t be your sole mantra. The last thing you want to happen is for the people in your house to be so careful they feel like they’re walking on glass that can’t be scratched. The house has to primarily be a home, too and it is those little things that seem amiss – a child’s toy, magazines and newspapers left lying around, shopping bags in one corner – that make it that way. It may not be picture-perfect but, yes, it is lived in and comfortable.

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