What’s the best and worst part of being a woman?

I’m sure this question will elicit different reactions, especially from the feminist groups. I think it’s great to be a woman: We can bear children, choose between wearing pants or dress, and look incredibly beautiful with lipstick. There is a downside: We can’t ask our husbands to bear children, we can’t decide on what to wear under 15 minutes, and we can’t go anywhere without lipstick.

Seriously, women these days do more than just keep house and raise kids. They have become an important part of the workforce. Quite a few have broken the corporate glass ceiling and hold key positions in politics and business. The following successful women share their thoughts on the best and worst part of being a woman.

Apol Lejano, editor, Good Housekeeping:
The best thing is our emotional complexity. We’re quick to pick up on the cues that tell us what another person is about. If we’re particularly intuitive, we can use this ability to make for ourselves good, solid friendships and business relationships. Because we can empathize easily, this comes in handy for making someone down in the dumps – maybe a girl friend or a partner – feel not so gloomy.

That emotional complexity can also be the worst thing – the opposite sex is quick to label us a neurotic bunch.

Malou O. Laurel, senior executive marketing director, Essensa-Century Prop. Inc.:
The best thing about being a woman is being able to conceive and bring a child into this world – this is the essence of womanhood. The worst thing is to be emotionally and physically battered by her partner.

Cheryl Cosim, newscaster:
Best is when people respect me as a woman and as a person constantly in progress. And not being afraid to cry. And the worst? Just three letters: PMS. And when people cheat, betray and misjudge me.

Ginggay Joven, editor, Young Star Magazine:
Women are the hardest to understand. And I love that about our nature. We’re so quirky, moody and unpredictable – sometimes intriguing, other times irritating. Either way, we bring excitement and life to the otherwise "predictable" nature of men. We simply make their world much more interesting, I think. Imagine how their lives would be without our scrutiny, nagging and agitation?

And the worst? I guess that, too. That’s probably why men don’t understand what women want!

Suyen Chi, model:
The best thing about being a woman is the ability to bring new life into the world as an ultimate expression of love and hope. And the worst? To have sex and then worry about getting pregnant . . . especially when you and your partner are not prepared for the pregnancy.

Freida V. Dario, associate editor, Metro Magazine:
The best part of being a woman is having emotional sensitivity and a high threshold for pain, both emotional and physical. The worst part is all of the above. Sensitivity, if unabated, can become lethal. Our high tolerance for pain comes with the price of being designated child-bearer! Which is no doubt the greatest gift of being a woman – aside from having more fun dressing up and indulging in hot girl talk with the badings, that is!

Marivic Rufino Buenaventura, artist/writer:
The best part of being a woman is the ability to become a mother and the capacity to endure pain – both physical and emotional. To bear a child, nurture and raise him is the most fulfilling experience in the world. The rewards come when the child grows up to be a responsible adult who learns to give back and appreciate. To be treated as an equal partner in life but still have the thrill of being courted and loved – despite being a highly independent individual.

The worst part of being a woman is coming face to face with gender discrimination, having to surmount subtle or overt forms of abuse and aggression in the workplace, and dealing with the "double-standard" in a traditional chauvinistic, couple-oriented society. This is especially true for the vulnerable, unmarried woman.

Len Nepomuceno- Guiao, fashion designer:
The best thing about being a woman is the ability to experience conception, pregnancy and childbirth. The worst thing is having to carry it for nine whole months! The best thing is being able to wear sexy dresses and gowns and the worst is not being able to wear them when you’re pregnant!

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