John Lloyd Cruz visits animal shelter with rumored girlfriend Isabel Santos to adopt a dog

John Lloyd Cruz and Isabel visiting animal rescue service Strays Worth Saving
Instagram / Strays Worth Saving

MANILA, Philippines — Actor John Lloyd Cruz and his rumored girlfriend Isabel Santos visited a local animal shelter with the intentions of adopting a rescued dog.

The social media accounts of animal rescue service Strays Worth Saving posted photos of John Lloyd and Isabel interacting with their rescues, also thanking them for the visit.

"There is no denying not only the dogs but also the caretakers were so excited to meet our celebrity visitors... these two have no qualms at all carrying and playing with the rescues," said Strays Worth Saving.

A rescued dog named Rain even peed on John Lloyd's clothes but the actor did not mind at all.

Strays Worth Saving also said the rumored couple posed for photos with other dogs to help encourage others to adopt them.

Isabel later posted on her own Instagram account photos of their visit, sharing they fell in love with all the dogs they met.

Strays Worth Saving, John Lloyd, or Isabel did not say which dog they ended up adopting, though they did play with more than 10 dogs and petted even more those in cages.

John Lloyd and Isabel have yet to confirm their relationship despite months of speculation, especially after Isabel accompanied John Lloyd to the 15th Asia Pacific Screen Awards and on a camping trip with John Lloyd's son Elias, his child with ex Ellen Adarna.

RELATED: John Lloyd Cruz goes camping with son Elias, rumored girlfriend Isabel Santos

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