WWF holds first mural painting marathon

MANILA, Philippines - The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines held its first “Mural Painting Marathon” last Feb. 18 at the Glorietta Dolphin Park, which was attended by hundreds who pledged to make a bolder, more colorful statement for the environment.

The participants painted images of dolphins outlined by mural artist and dolphin crusader AG Saño on four walls of about 200 feet in length.

The event was another effort of WWF-Philippines to provide creative ways for everyone to demonstrate their support for a living planet and at the same time raise awareness about local endangered species.

The “Mural Painting Marathon” was staged for the benefit of WWF-Philippines’ Adoption Program. For a one time donation of P3,000, you can symbolically adopt a panda or a dolphin stuffed toy that comes with a species information card and an adoption certificate.

The panda was picked to represent WWF’s logo and spread the knowledge that it is among the world’s most threatened animals, while the dolphin was chosen to highlight conservation work in the Philippines, specifically in Malampaya in Palawan. The Malampaya Sound hosts the critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphins.

The funds raised from the organization’s adoption program will help protect local endangered animals and their habitats.

A WWF adoption center was set up for the adoption program, along with other booths for face painting, henna tattooing, anime painting and other surprises from event sponsors like Drypers Wee Wee dry Diapers, Big Chill, Tully’s Coffee, Healthway, 2GO, Virtuoso by Boysen, The Fortnightly, BC Magazine, Spark and Glorietta Ayala Center all gathered together in one venue to make an artistic statement for mother nature.

 The mural painting participants likewise took their advocacy a step further by signing the Commitment Wall panel at the right end of the mural. Signing the wall is a pledge to minimize carbon footprint, and to not patronize activities that harm nature and its inhabitants, or cause ecological imbalance.

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