MANILA, Philippines - Every once in a while, we love to spoil our pets in order to show them our affection and appreciation for the joy they bring to us. We bathe them with the most expensive shampoos we can afford, or we let them wear chic clothes whenever we walk them in the park. There are myriads of means in order to spoil our pets, but feeding them with treats is probably the most ideal method to make them happy. Treats are also good reinforcements that pet parents can use to let their pets learn certain kinds of tricks as well as obedience techniques.
Not long ago, treats mostly consisted of fatty biscuits, or commercial treats containing preservatives and other additives, most of which are unhealthy options that profoundly contribute to the rise of diseases among pets. However, the times have changed; as more and more pet parents demand for healthier dog and cat meals, many pet food lines are leaving the practice of manufacturing junky treats and are moving towards healthier treats for pets. Now, you could find healthy treats that include greenies, gourmet bones, and healthy biscuits, among others.
Natural dog treats are new additions in canine treats. As their name implies, natural canine treats are made from the finest ingredients that are all natural and human-grade in quality, thereby ensuring that they are not hazardous to your pet’s health. Consequently, natural treats are far superior than commercial treats especially when it concerns one’s budget. Even though your initial purchase of these edible pet products may actually cost more than the commercial treats in your local grocery or pet store, a diet of natural meals and treats over the life span of your pet store, a diet of natural meals and treats over the life span of your pet could actually result to lesser diseases and illnesses, which means your pet doesn’t have to frequently visit his veterinarians and lesser vet bills on your part.
Using treats are a good means to reinforce your pet to learn new tricks and obedience techniques. Hence, it is important that you choose the right treats appropriate for his breed and nutritional needs. It is also essential that you pick treats that contain healthy ingredients.
If you’re interested in giving human foods as treats to your pet, some safe and healthy options may include:
* Green beans
* Carrot sticks
* Cucumber slices
* Zucchini slices
* Apple slices (without seeds)
* Cooked lean meats
* Baked potatoes (no unripe potatoes or potato plants)
* Bread (no raisin bread or raw bread dough)
* Unsalted pretzels
* Bananas
* Unsalted almonds
* Plain, cooked pasta
Make sure that all treats are cut into sizes that are easy for your pet to chew. If you notice any digestive upset as a result of adding new foods, be sure to discontinue giving foods that are causing trouble. And please remember that treats should make up only five to 10 percent of your pet’s diet — the rest should come from a nutritionally complete pet food.
— Reprinted from Bow & Wow Times