How to effectively disinfect home vs COVID-19

Not to be missed out as well is the bathroom, where showers, toilets, and counters together with bathroom mats have to be disinfected, too.
Photo release

MANILA, Philippines — As government authorities and frontline personnel continue to mitigate the impact of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Filipinos are also doing their share to prevent virus spread and infection, including observing proper hand and respiratory hygiene, and social distancing.

Realizing how the novel coronavirus can spread through small respiratory droplets which can survive for days on surfaces, people have started to disinfect their homes and offices, especially if they have family members and colleagues who are vulnerable to infection.

According to press statements disinfecting brand Lysol sent to, here are a few guidelines on how to effectively disinfect one’s surroundings against coronaviruses.

  • Dirty surfaces should ideally be cleaned first using detergent soap and water or other appropriate cleaning solutions.
  • Use products that can disinfect 99.9% of viruses and bacteria since they can kill human coronaviruses.
  • Wear disposable gloves while cleaning and disinfecting, or wash hands immediately after using disinfectant products.
  • Use disinfectant sprays and multi-purpose cleaners to routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. These include tables, doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, countertops, door and cabinet handles, desks, phones and other hand-held gadgets, remote controls, computer keyboards, toilet seats, faucets and sinks.
  • Carpets, rugs and curtains can also be disinfected.
  • Kitchen surfaces can harbor foodborne bacteria as well as bacteria transferred from humans and other items. 
  • Not to be missed out as well is the bathroom, where showers, toilets and counters, together with bathroom mats, have to be disinfected, too.
  • In the bedroom, a disinfecting spray is well-suited for mattresses and pillows.

Above all these, do not forget to regularly wash one’s hands with soap for a minimum of 20 seconds thoroughly.

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