Date with George Clooney’s look-alike

That title got your attention, didn’t it?  Take my word for it, he looks like George Clooney but he makes a lot more scientific sense. His name is Christian Drapeau and he is brilliant.  He has a degree in Neurophysiology from McGill University and a Master of Science in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, both Canadian institutions. He has written a book called Cracking the Stem Cell Code, which I hope he will bring with him.

 Christian Drapeau will be coming to the Philippines to give a talk on “The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal” on Thursday, Aug. 28, at Function Room 3, SMX Taguig, SM Aura at 1:45 p.m. If you are a young doctor interested in the new technologies, I recommend you come and listen to him. Just call 817-0991, that’s the StemTech office in Makati after 10 a.m. and before 6 p.m. and make your reservations. Please tell them you read about the event in my column.  There is an entrance fee of P250 per person but believe me it is worth it.

 If you are not a doctor but are interested in understanding stem cells better, please come too.  Use my name when you’re making reservations.  You will make me very grateful to you.

 You all know that I sell Stem Enhance.  I have told my story here a few times, how it helped give me more energy first then how it brought back my old personality that had disappeared when I had a stroke in 2003.  Now I am really my old self and very happy about it.  You read me saying I lost enthusiasm for everything, that is true.  However, I still have a lot of energy so I keep looking for new things to do or to explore.  All my energy I owe to Stem Enhance. Otherwise, I would not even try to sell it to people.

 I have been taking it for four years. I am 70. I was hoping not to look it but recently I went to a customer lounge, the bathroom in a mall where you have to pay to get in.  How much do I have to pay?  I asked the girl at the counter.

 We’re free for seniors, she said. Of course, I would have gladly slapped her for saying that.  Look, I dyed my white hair a rich auburn.  Doesn’t that make me look younger?  But what was there to argue about?  I am 70, 10 years past 60, the age for seniors.  I wish what every senior wishes – that we still look like juniors.  But what can we do?  Just try very hard to wear age with grace.  I didn’t hit the girl but I thought, Let’s see how you look when you’re 70. Bet you will look older than me.

 Christian Drapeau is as old as my eldest daughter, who is now 50 but looks not a day over 30.  Look at him yourself and determine how old he looks.

 Stem cells are wonderful for anti-aging. I have been wearing glasses since I turned 40.  First correctional, then every year the grade got higher until it hit 350 and I moved from simple lenses to progressive ones. Then four years ago I took Stem Enhance.  After a year the grade got lower. I started using my eyes more for reading and making jewelry but the grade stayed static, did not change for three years.

 Yesterday, since I moved from Makati to San Juan, I decided to have my eyes checked.  It went down some more. So now I think my grade is 225 down from the highest 350.  I am very happy. And I will have new glasses in time for Christian Drapeau’s talk.

 It is Wednesday evening and I have to hurry and finish this column because we are leaving for Singapore tomorrow.  We have to be at the airport at 3 a.m. to leave at 6 a.m. and get there at 9:30 a.m.  Am I spending for it?  Not a penny for the trip, accommodations, food.  If I want to shop I will have to bring my own money.  Who’s paying for the trip?  Stem Tech, of course.  Many of its business partners in the Philippines are off to a business conference.  Now I am a diamond director with double and triple diamond directors, meaning people recruiting and selling at a higher volume than mine, sort of under me. We are reaping benefits.

 My rule is first you try the product so you have an experience with it and talk about it intelligently with other people.  Then, we can talk about my recruiting you and you becoming part of my team.

 But the first step is go see Christian Drapeau on Aug. 28.  You will enjoy it, learn from it.  Then we can talk.

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