The man behind the portraits

Advertising Foundation of the Philippines president Jun Nicdao, Faaabvlous book cover girl Cris Albert, Vice President Jejomar Binay, Faaabvlous icon Angola consul Helen Ong, Tina with her husband international portrait photographer Rupert Jacinto  

International photographer Rupert Jacinto, dubbed by The Washington Post as the “Photographer to the Fabulous,” has elevated portraiture to the status of an art form.  His works reveal the beauty of the subjects as well as the photographer’s eye for capturing the charm and grace of the privileged, the powerful and the beautiful.  Rupert’s stunning portraits are once again compiled into a coffee table book called Faaabvlous III, which was launched recently at a “White Nights” gala dinner in The Peninsula Manila Rigodon Ballroom.  With Vice President Jejomar Binay as the guest of honor, the black-tie dinner also opened the exhibit of Rupert’s portraits of luminaries mounted at the hotel’s gallery. The event was held for benefit of the Ophthalmologic Foundation of the Philippines and the Sto. Niño de Paz’ “Save-A-Parish” program.  

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