River warriors

Yesterday I was at the Estero de Paco and I noticed that there was significant shift in the energy of the place. Previously walking through the estero, I would feel cynicism and a heavy lethargic energy, but this time I felt very welcome. I was welcomed with smiles and happy greetings. I saw River warriors working at both sides of the estero. One river warrior went to me, and said we must do something about the area under the bridge because the other day they had a difficult time picking up a lot of garbage left from people who had slept there the night before. She also pointed to me all the garbage that had been collected. She pointed to me the kids who were cleaning and the volunteers she had enlisted. What touched me the most was that she felt she “owned” the estero, and was working very hard to keep it clean.

I was so happy to see yellow and green pots with plants on both sides of the esteros. I saw children painting the pots. This was all through their own initiative! And this was happening in a place that was notorious for drugs, crime, and all other illegal activity. I was so so happy! “Honor, God and Country” — at the grassroots level. This is the path to the future of our country. When people at the grassroots transform and take on the cudgels for their future, what we at the more established levels should do is facilitate an environment which encourages their blooming.

And I have every intention to do that. Those that meet the bar will be given benefits: housing, education, medical. At the last planning session, one of the managers of PRRC coined the acronym HEART. Heart stands for Honor, Honesty; E for Environment; A for Attends meetings, cleanups; R for Reverence for property of others, does not steal; T for Teamwork, Truth. So the river warriors will be evaluated twice a year and will accordingly be given hearts. Just like a general is given stars. And each heart will be connected to benefits. We are rewarding the values, which will make our country grow. We are sending the message — that to live with integrity and honor — is the path to your future.

We are also looking for river warriors in other disciplines: social work, engineering, IT, media, medical, etc. Phase Two of the Pasig River cleanup is Quezon City and San Juan. I have had amazing cooperation from then Quezon City Mayor Sonny Belmonte. Incoming mayor Guia Gomez takes the cake in terms of graciousness and sincerity. General Mantele PNP QC has also been very supportive. I am very happy to announce that Mayor Abalos said he will relocate the 600 illegal dwellers from Maytunas Creek. Wow, that made my day! Maytunas is one of the creeks leading to San Juan. The water companies have been amazing in their cooperation. How can we not succeed? For the coming year, all roads lead to San Juan which pollutes 40 percent of the Pasig River — 90,000 tons. Those interested in helping please let us know. We need all the help we can get.

This is everyone’s river. This is everyone’s future.

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For those who want to support the river warriors at the estero level, please e-mail geraldsamson108@yahoo.com, or e-mail me at regina_lopez@abs-cbn.com.

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