Bust breast cancer by thinking pink

My friend Bettina Osmeña has always involved herself in causes she believes in. During martial law, she was active in the anti-dictatorship movement. She got involved in other worthy causes through the years but the most meaningful of all her advocacies is her involvement with the I Can Serve Foundation, an advocacy group that empowers women with breast cancer with information and hope. They have an online community of cancer survivors and a message board on their website (www.icanserve.net) for people to share information and stories of hope. This message is open to all – breast cancer patients, their spouses, parents, siblings, and other caregivers.

Founded in 1999, I Can Serve is a non-stock, non-profit foundation focused on high-impact campaigns on breast cancer. It has also pioneered the first breast cancer directory and guidebook and the first national breast cancer forum and homecoming for cancer survivors dubbed "Silver Linings."

As a cancer survivor herself, Bettina can easily relate to the cancer-stricken women she helps. She has used her network to help many of the under-served access health services. She has inspired other breast cancer survivors to join the I Can Serve online support group so that women like her can benefit from the sharing of information, useful tips you may never hear from your doctor or read in books, and the encouragement that only a fellow survivor can give.

When I Can Serve founding president Kara Magsanoc-Alikpala invited her to head the foundation’s fund raising committee, Bettina did not hesitate. At first it seemed like a daunting task but the idea became more feasible when Kara suggested during their brainstorming session to choose a project close to their hearts, their expertise, and something they would have fun doing. Along with Ina Vergel de Dios and Ria Romero, the four ladies came up with an exciting project. All of them except Ria are breast cancer survivors.

The idea evolved from Bettina’s successful semi-annual private sales at her home that feature her fashion accessories and some of her exporter friends. This time the four ladies decided to showcase the best of Philippine ingenuity and play host to vendors who will introduce their products to the local market for the first time. They have put together some of the big names in the export industry such as Avatar, Jim Castler, Talimaya, Martinique, Ching Feliciano, Victoria Marin, Auxie Burgos’s 3 A’s Craft Accents, ELM’s Accessoria de Casa, Tadeco, Silverbox and Rapal Handicrafts in a benefit bazaar called "Tickled Pink" at the Loft in Rockwell Center. The bazaar is for next weekend, Oct. 14 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

These Filipino exporters have long been the pride and glory of our country, creating award-winning designs, utilizing indigenous materials and making them into dazzling fashion accessories, bags, and home accessories. They are, most of all, together with our OCWs, our country’s unsung heroes as they bring back precious foreign currencies to boost our country’s perpetually ailing economy.

Today these heroes are playing angels of mercy by donating a big percentage of their sales to help raise funds for the I Can Serve Foundation. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the general public to buy from them as they do not normally join bazaars and their items are strictly for export only.

Bettina has tapped other friends like fellow senatorial spouse Kate Gordon to help raise funds to mount the event. Charo Yujuico of the Philippine School of Interior Design is designing the booths to give them a stylish look, helping soften the image of cancer.

One of the most important booths in the bazaar will be the information booth of I Can Serve. They will have brochures and reading materials to hand out to interested parties and some cancer survivors will be present to personally answer inquiries. Cancer has been given such a bad spin since we don’t know much about it. Most of us immediately shut our minds when the topic arises so most of us are ignorant of the facts. Hence, we have the highest incidence of breast cancer in Southeast Asia. Knowledge about this killer disease will help save a lot of lives, including yours.

So, "think pink" this weekend. Let us not miss this great opportunity to help breast cancer survivors via the I Can Serve Foundation by patronizing the Tickled Pink benefit bazaar. The bazaar was made possible with the generous support of Rockwell Land Corporation, the Philippine School of Interior Design (who will be styling the bazaar), Flora Silk, Goody Brush, Southeast Asia Food Inc., Lufthansa, Cynthia Villar, Mario Badescu, 92.3 Joey, Jamaican Patties, Fruit Magic, and Nokia Philippines. Entrance fee is P50 only. Don’t forget the dates: Oct 14 to 15. See you there!

Before I sign off, if you happen to know someone diagnosed with breast cancer, refer her to the I Can Serve website at www.icanserve.net or contact the foundation through icanserve@yahoo.com and 687-3942. This bazaar is for them, too.

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