Eight-minute exercise a day keeps the fat away

Being an executive makes me sedentary. Meetings all day long, long lunches and reading long reports make me sit down all day long. It is not helping my battle with the bulge. In the morning when I wake up, I hardly have time to exercise as I have to be in the office early and at night, I am too tired to exercise. Are there short exercises I can do in between meetings to help my situation because my lifestyle is very unhealthy? – Stressed-Out Executive
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There is a book Eight Minutes in the Morning …. A Simple Way to Burn Fat by Jorge Cruise, who is an expert in physical training. The quick workout component of Cruise’s program consists of doing four sets each of two strength-training exercises (things like push-ups and bicep curls), six days a week. After a quick warm-up, you do one set of 12 repetitions of the first of the day’s exercises, then immediately follow with 12 reps of the second exercise. Repeat the cycle three more times and you’re done for the day.

He says that short bouts of weight training can help you build your muscles and boost metabolism – and help you lose weight. He specifies two different exercises each day working chest and back, shoulder and abs; the next day, triceps and the biceps, hamstring and quadriceps and calves and butt, inner and outer thighs. The program is very specific and has been designed to provide short workouts preferably in the morning that will give your metabolism a boost throughout the day. Eight minutes in the morning of training, if coupled with an eating plan emphasizing portion control and healthy dishes, will guarantee an average loss of two pounds a week. However, this is not designed for overall fitness. While Cruise swears by the benefits of strength training because it keeps your bones strong and your muscles toned, he does not discount the value of other forms of exercises. For healthy lungs and heart, he recommends cardiovascular movements. Three brisk 10-minute walks a day (you can probably do this around your office in between meetings) can be as effective as one 30-minute walk. So if you can spare eight minutes in the morning before you start your day, this book is worth looking into. The brisk 10-minute walks in between meetings could do you a lot of good, too!
Libido-Boosting Foods?
My husband tells me to buy certain foods that he had read could lift a person’s dying libido. We are both in our 50s and a few years ago, I lost my interest in sex. I guess it’s partly due to menopause and old age. But my husband says this shouldn’t be the case and insists that I read nutrition books and improve my diet to get back my libido. I don’t want to take anything artificial or pills with estrogen because of the side effects, but I must perform my wifely duties lest I lose my husband’s interest in me. If he does, there’s nobody to blame but myself so please help me. Is it true that there are foods that boost the libido? – No Libido Housewife!

Yes indeed! Many foods contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which can boost your desire and help remedy libido problems. From strawberries to ginger, dark chocolates and tofu, the following sexy foods have powers to get the most out of your bedtime. In the order of their potency: Almonds, sesame seeds, strawberries, ginger, tomatoes, avocados, rye, brown rice, mushrooms, truffles, tofu, cheese, eggs, dark chocolate, and mangoes. These foods are high in magnesium, calcium, zinc, folic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin E., essential fatty acids that regulate prostaglandins (which are required in the production of sex hormones), arginine, manganese, chromium, selenium, omega-3, beta carotene (which is required for the production of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone) and vitamin C. All these foods are packed with the above vitamins that help boost sexual drive and libido. So fill up your pantry with them!

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