Feng shui your workroom and bedroom

Has success in the workplace eluded you? Do you ever wonder why no matter how hard you try, you still can’t get that promotion and salary increase you’ve worked your butt off for over the years? Is your career going nowhere (if it isn’t in the dumps already)? Maybe you need to feng shui your workroom (desk or working space). Let’s see now: How does your desk look like? Is it a clean, clutter-free, orderly desk? Or is it a disorderly desk that’s so full of clutter it reminds you of Tondo’s Smokey Mountain and you have to call a demolition squad everytime you need to dig for something?

Shape up, the sheep’s out in the Year of the Goat! According to Jane Alexander in The Five-Minute Healer, a book on feng shui and much more, "Mess makes your energy dip (it pulls energy levels down and creates stagnant chi) and clutters your mind."

Surely, less mess is more. Jane adds, "Searching for those all-important notes under untidy piles of paper is stressful and simply a waste of time."

We couldn’t agree more with Jane. So, why not set aside even just five minutes of your day clearing and rearranging your working space before you buckle down to work? Through the Chinese art of feng shui, you can make your work desk work for you. Jane notes, "Whether you want an increase in salary or some extra recognition from your boss, or to improve your working relationships and get the most from your work team, how you arrange your desk can usher in a remarkable change."

Clear desk equals clear mind equals success. One clear example of that is Intel Corporation CEO Andy Grove who steers clear of clutter in his work area as he steers the ship of the world’s leading chipmaker.

Ready to make a major revamp of your desk (and clear the cobwebs in your mind)? Jane Alexander, natural health and self-help writer, hands out some tips (according to the ancient art of feng shui and plain old common sense) in her very handy book.
Declutter Your Work Space
• Keep your desk as clear as possible. Keep on it only what you are working on so you can concentrate on the task at hand.

• File papers away once you have finished with them. Don’t let them pile up (or accumulate to unmanageable proportions).

• When papers arrive on your desk, decide straightaway what to do with them: Act on them now – either you file them for future use or consign them to the round file (wastebasket, of course).

• Keep your waste bin by your desk and open your mail over it (so that whatever you can’t use can go straight into the bin).

• Set aside time to sift through your papers, mail, etc. regularly. Throw away what’s no longer current or needed.
Be More Effective
• Make time for yourself – a certain period during the day that’s yours to spend on yourself uninterrupted – to do something creative or simply to sit quietly and recharge your batteries.

• Be proactive, not reactive. Plan what you’ll do and when you’ll do it – then stick to the plan. Make a very important appointment with yourself and break it only if it’s a matter of life and death.

• Take a break every hour. Walk around for a few minutes or do a few stretches to refresh yourself and replenish your concentration.

• Schedule your day according to your energy (its peak and ebb). Are you an early bird or a night owl? When are you most creative, most organized? When do you feel half-asleep or totally out of touch with reality? Don’t plan anything major at a time when you’re usually sleepy or daydreamy (this time is better used making calls or doing routine tasks).
Create The Good Career Desk
According to feng shui, what you put on your desk and where you put it can spell the difference between "make and break" in business, whether you’re a big boss in a corporation or you’re self-employed. So here’s how you can create a career desk that will work well for you:

• Place your desk so you’re seated with your back to a solid wall with a good view of the door and the window.

• Put a desk lamp in the top left-hand corner to improve your finances (and help you focus your attention as well).

• Put some fresh cut flowers to stimulate mental activity and cleanse the atmosphere.

• Put your telephone on your right to make the people you call more helpful. If you’re left-handed, keep your address book on your right for a similar effect.

• Keep essential reference books on your left-hand side (the knowledge area).

• Have a rounded desk if your work is creative. Get a rectangular one if your work involves figures, but ideally it should have rounded corners.

• Try to use a rectangular briefcase or handbag to make you more inclined to complete projects.

• Position your computer in the center at the back of your desk (this area governs fame and recognition). Behind it, put something on the wall to remind you of what you want to achieve (maybe a photograph, newspaper clipping or a collage of work goals).

• Place something on the left-hand side to remind you of the spiritual aspect of your life (a small statue or a picture).

• Don’t overload your desk with pictures of family that can be distracting (a couple sitting in the middle and top right-hand corner of your desk will do).
Boost Your Opportunities
Whether you want to have a better relationship with your boss or a big fat salary increase, take a quick pick from the following desks:
The Salary-Raising Desk
The "money" area of your desk is the top left-hand corner as you sit behind it. Use as many of the following "cures" as will fit into your work area:

• Put a lamp in this corner.

• Add a vase of flowers – ideally, four stems of red or purple flowers (as they’re associated with wealth in the Chinese tradition).

• Add a crystal (it boosts positive chi) paperweight, a red or purple box (for paper clips or loose change).

• Put three Chinese coins linked with a red ribbon in the left-hand corner of your desk.
The Creative Powerhouse Desk
• Make sure your desk is round or has softly rounded corners.

• Put a crystal paperweight at the center back of your desk to strengthen your intuition.

• Keep brightly colored fresh flowers on your desk.

• Choose desk accessories in bright, stimulating colors.

• To activate opportunities, put a three-legged toad god (this Chinese figure is said to bring luck, money, and success) on the right-hand corner of your desk.

• Opposite you, put something that stimulates your creativity – or reminds you of your goals.
The Fame-Enhancing Desk
The "fame" area is that area directly opposite you at the back of your desk. If your computer occupies this space, put these cures or enhancements on or around the computer or on the wall opposite:

• Get something red, or put an award or diploma here to remind you of your achievements.

• Put a candle or crystal (so you’re more likely to be noticed).

• Put a red, purple, or yellow desk lamp. Plus some other paraphernalia like picture frames, desk organizers, mouse mat.
The Get-On-With-People Desk
The top right-hand corner governs relationships.

• Use yellow and the number two in this part of your desk (like two yellow flowers in a vase perhaps?).

• Put a photo of your work team here. Add a candle in front of it to boost the energy.

• Move your desk lamp to this area to boost your relationship energy.
For Better Bedrooms
From the boardroom, we go to the bedroom. It’s been a long hard day at work and the last thing you need is more stress. For a relaxing evening and a good night’s sleep, follow these simple feng shui rules and wake up the following morning refreshed and reenergized:

• Clear out all the clutter from your bedroom (and keep it out). If your environment is cluttered, you won’t be able to relax.

• Try to avoid working in your bedroom. If this is impossible, place your desk or workspace behind a screen so you won’t be reminded of work while you’re in bed.

• Turn out wardrobes and cupboards (especially if they runneth over) regularly. Donate old clothes you’ve outgrown (and don’t plan to use again because you don’t intend to lose weight) to your favorite charity.

• Place your bed so you can see the door (ideally, diagonally opposite the door). Do not have your headboard backing onto a window or doorway.

• Keep furniture (like tables and chairs) soft and rounded (avoid sharp edges or points).

• Avoid big mirrors. Keep mirrors small and preferably round or oval. Do not put a mirror opposite your bed (it may cause insomnia or bad dreams).

• Choose colors wisely (like pinks and reds for romance, soft blues for relaxation). Cushions and candles can be bright pinks and reds, but always avoid dark, heavy colors.
* * *
The message is clear: It’s time to clear your clutter!

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