Gracious Suburban Living

Zeroing in on the right type of interiors for you, dear readers, is a task you surely will not envy. The shooting and writing part is usually a breeze and almost always, quite pleasurable. Luckily for me, the homeowners I have lately featured were rather game, so generous and hospitable to allow Talking Design to intrude into their private havens.

Intrigued by what I hear from acquaintances and friends, it became a near obession for me to focus on this particular residence, which all of them say is quite heavenly. The formidable fences and gates showing merely the tip of the roof of this house, which is home to a former ambassador and his lady, should have deterred me from asking permission. But the motto, "No guts no glory," got the better of me. And so I decided to ask and what you see proves that I got lucky.

Armed with high expectations, the minutes seemed like eternity while the security guard on duty made sure I was the person his señora was expecting that sunny morning. And the moment the uniformed househelp politely ushered us into the glorious residence, the visual treat commenced. Order and neatness were what I sensed the moment I set foot on the liberally-sized foyer. The first thing I savored was the lady of the house’s collection of blue and white porcelains artistically mounted on one wall.

To the right, at the end of the short hall, is a shallow alcove with a console table, where authographed photos of past presidents and other heads of state are carefully arranged according to protocol. Above this table of honor, seven delicate Blanco botanicals hang surrounding a mirror framed in goldleafed baroque scrolls. Shifting my focus to the left, the serene portrait of our lady host, crafted on canvas by popular society photographer Rupert Jacinto, caught my eye.

After admiring the elegant Jacinto oeuvre, it was hard to choose where to look next. Several settings wait to be scrutinized and admired. The Jacinto portrait faces the cavernous living room where overstuffed sofas upholstered in delicious chintz invite guests. In the middle of this setting is a delicate coffee table generously laden with various objects the wife so loves. Across, more framed photographs stand against a wall on another console table. The photographs show members of the family, from all three generations.

The house is done in a classic manner. Pablo Antonio Jr., the architect who planned the spaces, more than pleased his clients. Following the couple’s requirements, he succeeded in providing them with all the areas and spaces their lifestyle demanded. One such room is the den/ library where family members or guests can lounge or be entertained before or after dinner. In this cozy room, where one could curl up while watching TV, are more sofas dressed in chintz. The wing chair clad in chestnut buttery leather is, of course, reserved for the former ambassador.

A tone of burgundy is splashed on the walls of the formal dining room. Some opt for the long table seating 12 or more. For more intimacy, the couple chose to have a pair of identical round tables. Each accommodates eight guests – quite a clever approach since each of them can be used separately to entertain guests. Crystals and silver pieces abound in the room but they all play second lead to the stunning work by Betsy Brias Westendorp majestically hanging on the wall.

A lanai matching the living room in dimension abuts both the dining and the living rooms. Furniture here are mostly in rattan and feature more chintz in their individual loose cushions. A Chinese armoire of sorts was converted into a mini bar and stands in an accessible corner within reach of guests and family members.

The couple’s bedroom suite is a fine example of luxury without excess. The area of the bedroom proper is spacious enough to accommodate a sitting area across the foot of the bed. What she gave up in space, she allotted to separate dressing rooms – a logically bigger one for her and a compact one for him. The lady has enough space for a modern exerciser. All closets have interestingly designed doors so that clutter is nicely concealed. The two share a bathroom, which is fully equipped with amenities to make morning or evening rituals delightful.

People who are members of the so-called noblesse oblige set pay attention not only to things seen but equally so, if not more, to those unseen. Nothing in her house is for show. Each item serves a function. Her mania for things that make living gracious was revealed when she gave in to the temptation of showing this writer her secret hiding place for linens. Floor to ceiling, a duo of cabinets hold table napkins, runners, table skirts, placemats in all colors of the rainbow and in fabrics of all weaves and textures. Mutely, I concluded she has stacked up enough to last two world wars!

If she is not out of the country visiting her married children, she stays home and keeps herself occupied in the kitchen. She’s happy for people engrossed in out-of-home activities such as ballroom dancing. But this lady who has tendered dinners for heads of state and even royalties while she was an ambassador’s wife would rather bake. Not so much for monetary reasons as for the spirit of sharing her time with friends. When it was time to pack up and go, she handed me a list of the specialties lovingly done in her kitchen. We placed an order, which was made available a couple of days later – and members of my tribe are now clamoring for more!
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