5 surefire signs that you are a rebound

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MANILA, Philippines – Some people say that nothing heals a broken heart faster than having a hot rebound. While this can be favorable to to the one trying to move on, this can be a source of pain to the other.

Although it is possible for this kind of relationship to roll out into something more than what it’s supposed to be, defining the relationship (DTR) is always important. Knowing where you stand in a relationship always gives you the advantage of  limiting your expectations and helps you go through things slowly without the ruthless heartbreak.

If you have been dating for quite some time and you haven’t heard him say the magic word yet, this may be the time to ask yourself – Am I in a rebound relationship? For those who have no idea what their getting their selves into here are some signs that you are just your partner’s Kleenex.

He broke up with his ex weeks ago
If it isn’t obvious enough, this is the biggest tell tale sign that you are just a rebound. While it is absolutely possible to bump into someone and like the person instantly, this does not mean that the feeling he has for you is actually genuine. When people just got out of a relationship, it is normal for them to get drawn to people who give them so much attention. Even if your partner insists that he is already over his ex, he is probably not. Always remember that a broken heart needs time to heal and a broken heart can never learn to love unless it is already healed.

He talks about his ex all the time
Being honest about your past relationship is great, but if he is talking about her every time, this maybe a sign that he still has not gotten over his ex yet. Sometimes, people talk about their ex more often because they still have regrets and heartaches that needed to be told. If he takes you to the places where they used to date and compares you to his ex, it’s maybe the time to ditch the relationship.

He’s still bitter with his ex
How would you know if he’s still bitter? It’s normal to have that bad feeling about the ex, especially if it was a bad break up. But if your partner is constantly talking angry about his ex all the time, this is a sign that he is still not yet ready for another relationship. Subconsciously, he wants someone to listen to his bitterness toward his ex, and your presence makes it a lot easier to do so.

It’s more physical than emotional
Yes, we get it, most of the time, a relationship begins with physical attraction. But if you’re feeling like it’s all about sex all the time, with a little bit of emotional substance, you are definitely a rebound. Some people get into this kind of relationship because it is mostly fun, but if your partner is all about intense hookup sessions without the romance at all, watch out.

He is very inconsistent
Mood swings can be a sign that he is not sure about you yet. People who still have a baggage may find themselves confused all the time. At one moment they feel happy that someone is finally there to replace their loneliness, but it only comes as  a fleeting emotion. Almost all the time, they feel happy when you are with them, but the feeling of loneliness knocks on their doors after a while. The fact that his ex still haunts so many of his thoughts means he is not over her yet. Being bothered by the ghost of his past is a sign that he is just using you to get over his ex.

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