Here’s how some families will celebrate the holidays safely but meaningfully

Filipino families share stories of how happiness comes in special Christmas meal moments that are shared with the people who matter the most.
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MANILA, Philippines — The “new normal” has brought about many adjustments in the way we do things, even this season, as family get-togethers will be celebrated differently in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

The season also gives way for reflection on the more important things in life, as the gift of presence becomes more important than wrapped presents.  

Coca-Cola, which has always been a staple for celebrations and happy moments, highlights the importance of togetherness this season.

Here are some inspiring stories about how happiness comes in special Christmas meal moments that are shared with the people who matter the most.

Find time for togetherness

Frontliner Dr. Fritz Dalida says their family will not be complete for the first time this Christmas, as his sister Kaye works as a nurse in the Middle East and will not be able to come home as planned.

“As a healthcare worker, I have been busy with my duty during this pandemic. Since my sister cannot celebrate Christmas with us, I made it a point to be at home with my parents for our Noche Buena. My sister will be with us through a video call. I think no matter how busy we are, it is important to find time for family. Being able to make new memories with your loved ones is always a blessing,” Dr. Fritz says.

Strengthen your faith

Singer, songwriter and actress Karylle shares her thoughts on the current situation and how they have had to adjust.

“I believe that ‘family is everything’ and I have such a deep appreciation for everyone, especially this year,” she says.

Their family will celebrate the holidays with simple joys, she says. A Christmas playlist will be in the background as her husband Yael takes charge of the barbecue while she bakes.

“We can also set up the projector and speakers in the garage for the Mass! In preparation for Advent, I’ve also signed up for a spiritual retreat. These are not the easiest of days so it is quite important to take steps to strengthen our faith,” Karylle shares.

Be thankful

The Romero family has traditionally celebrated Christmas parties with more than 20 people from their extended family.

Francis Romero says, “My family has decided to forego the usual family reunions and limit the festivities to our household, which is composed of my parents, my brother and my lola from my mom’s side.”

Noche Buena will be simpler this time, with just a few of their favorite dishes accompanied as always by ice-cold Coca-Cola, and probably watching a ton of Christmas movies together.

“Christmas with the family has always been about looking back at our victories and being thankful for them, and reviewing all our struggles and laughing about how we overcame them. Christmas will be more meaningful since we grew to understand each other more, and we plan on remaining this close and open to each other even beyond Christmas and this year,” Francis shares.

Listen to loved ones

Artist Kerwin King notes that he won’t get to be with many of his friends and family this year physically but will make sure to hold their kumustahans online.

“My dad who works overseas won’t be here for Noche Buena. It’s the first time that’s happened in years. So Noche Buena this year will be with my mom and my cat,” he smiles.

He adds that Christmas celebrations don’t have to be grand. “It’s the thought that counts after all. For me, too, given all the crazy things that have happened this year, the mere act of being there for them makes things meaningful. Support them, listen to them and even randomly check up on them. The best gift you can give a loved one is time and love. No one can give those except you.”

In the Filipino context where showing you care can be as simple as asking “Have you eaten?”, things take on a more meaningful turn this Christmas, as families gather for simpler celebrations to appreciate togetherness even through the current situation.  

Coca-Cola celebrates the true meaning of the season with its Christmas packs that come with cheery designs centered around the Filipino Parol as a symbol of hope and a holiday tune titled “Basta’t Kapiling Ka, Masaya ang Pasko” performed by Sarah Geronimo.

This is to bring home the message that as families share even simple meals, they can create meaningful moments together. After all, the best present we can give our loved ones this season is our time and presence.

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