The online world and a touching feedback

We now live in an exciting world where communication has become both easier and harder. Physical boundaries have been torn down because a message originated in Timbuktu can reach all continents of the world instantaneously, provided there is internet connection. At the same time, because everyone is on the internet, we have also created too much noise that makes it difficult to filter what’s important to us.

But on the whole, the free exchange of content has been helpful. When I started writing online, I was very thrilled to receive messages from my readers all over the world. It’s such an awe-inspiring feeling to find out how an OFW from the Middle East started the investing journey of his children because he read that my sons started investing straight out of their diapers!  A mom from Canada wrote that because I shared our family goal setting a couple of years ago, they will be on their second year of doing so and are enjoying it.


At the same time, I was also daunted to receive an email from a guilty mom who was planning to quit her job abroad and come back home to take care of her children after reading how I gave up my investment banking career.


With the release of FQ: The nth Intelligence, I notice that a lot of millennials are getting struck by the message and are writing to me to share their experiences after they read the book. I have shared some of these feedback on my social media channels.


Here’s one feedback from a reader that touched my heart.


Hi Ms. Rose!


I'm a freshman student in college. It's my first time to be away from my family which means I have to be more accountable in my actions.


Handling money isn't one of my core strengths. Money isn't something we openly talk about at home. I used to be afraid of it because a lot of our struggles as a family concern money. I've seen my mom complain about how much debt she has taken. There were times when we had nothing to eat on the table because the salary she received was all used to pay off debt. My dad is working overseas so that takes off the load a bit but it isn't always enough because we have extended families depending on us.


There came a point when I grew resentful of the "rich" or the more privileged families. I became bitter in thinking that capitalism is evil and so are the capitalists. It wasn't a good place to be in.


Until one day, I went over to Booksale and I saw the cover of your book. It's green so it sort of stood out in the display. I read the book's description but I was skeptical. So I returned it in the bookshelf and went my way.


That night, I couldn't sleep thinking about all the disempowering beliefs I have had in my mind regarding money, and most especially the resentment I've grown in my heart. I thought about it for a while, and the consequences all these could lead to. I realized it's worse than anything that I could imagine.


And then your book. I finally got it and read it.


I want to thank you for publishing the FQ book. I learned a LOT from it and I'm happy to say I'm in a better mindset now. I'm grateful to stumble upon your work because I live vicariously as your daughter (hehe). 


Where and when can I buy your second and third book?


I appreciate your time in reading my email.


-FQ Reader


P.S Here's the attached photo of the FQ book so you won't think I'm lying hehe 



When I asked permission to share her feedback, this is what she said:


Sure Ms. Rose! I wouldn't mind. I'm hoping that it'll be read by someone who has been in the same situation, especially the youngsters like me. I'm having a hard time finding anyone among my peers whom I can talk to about this matter. I can't help thinking, “Am I the odd one in the group or haven't I found the right people yet?” It gets pretty lonely sometimes. But that's fine. I'll keep searching for the right people. 


Are Books 2 and 3 of the FQ Trilogy already published?


My reply:


Thank you very much for sharing your story. Books 2 and 3 will be published next year.


I am just struck by the detail that you shared - that even the earnings of your father abroad is still not enough because you have extended families depending on you. Maybe what you can do is to share some of the learnings that you got from the book and discuss openly with your family. What kind of arrangement do you have with your extended families? Given your family’s situation, can you put a stop to this arrangement? Do your extended families think that just because your father is working abroad, money is in excess?


On the matter of feeling like the odd one in the group because you can’t seem to discuss money matters with them, maybe you can just give bits and pieces of your favorite FQ takeaways and see if anyone would be interested to get into his/her FQ journey with you. It would be nice to have someone to share your progress with, so you can cheer and encourage each otheras you follow the three basic laws of money.


Congratulations on your early FQ awareness. May you enjoy this interesting, even if at times challenging, journey! Hopefully, you will slowly convince your friends and family to join you in this FQ Movement, because we all need to be aware of this essential 21st century skill now more than ever. Cheers to high FQ!



  1. In line with today’s article about online communications, we will have Bianca Gonzales once again in our FQwentuhan. Our topic will be “How to Get Your Million Followers.” Watch out for it tomorrow on FQ Mom FB Page and FQ Mom YouTube channel.
  2. The biggest Catholic inspirational and learning event is finally here again! Kerygma Conference 2018: Limitless! Marvin and I are so excited because we will be sharing the stage with our bunso, Anton Fausto, in our talk “Parenting Challenges Made Fun”. We will be there on November 22 (Thursday) at 11:00 a.m., SMX Convention Center, Manila. For tickets and more information, visit


  1. I’ll be at the BangkoSenral ng Pilipinas’ 1st Financial Education Stakeholders’ Expo on Nov. 27to 28, 2018 (Tuesday to Wednesday) at the SMX Convention Center, Manila. On Day 2, November 28 (Wed), I’ll be giving a talk on “Fin-Ed Program Design Using Behavioral Economics” and also moderating the plenary session on Innovations in Financial Education. I hope to see you there! 


  1. Thanks to those who already bought the FQ Book, especially to those who took the time out to send me their feedback. Your feedback is food for my soul. To those who have not gotten their copy yet, here’s a short preview of "FQ: The nth Intelligence."

You may now purchase the book in major bookstores, or if you want autographed copies, please go to FQ Mom FB page (click SHOP), or (click BOOKS), or email us at                  

  1. Want to know where your FQ stands? Take the FQ Test Challenge now! Click link.


Rose FresFausto is a speaker and author of bestselling books Raising Pinoy Boys and The Retelling of The Richest Man in Babylon (English and Filipino versions). Click this link to read samples – Books of FQ Mom. She is a Behavioral Economist, Certified Gallup Strengths Coach and the grand prize winner of the first Sinag Financial Literacy Digital Journalism Awards. Follow her on Facebook & YouTube as FQ Mom, and Twitter & Instagram as theFQMom. Her latest book is FQ: The nth Intelligence.

ATTRIBUTIONS: Photos from and iStockPhoto, modified and used to help deliver the message of the article.

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