Protecting bones from calcium deficiency

MANILA, Philippines - Of all the conditions associated with calcium deficiency, most people have heard of osteoporosis.  It’s a debilitating ailment that causes bones to become weak and fragile. Even simple everyday routines can lead to fractures in persons suffering from this progressive bone condition. 

But did you know that there’s another common disease resulting from calcium deficiency?

“Hypocalcemia can be caused by hormonal imbalance or malabsorption of calcium in the intestines,” notes Dr. Francis H. Fernandez, an orthopedic surgeon at Makati Medical Center, with a fellowship in Sports Medicine from Atos Klinik, Heidelberg, Germany.

“Ninety-nine percent of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth and it is primarily used in the formation and healing of the bones. Since most of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones, the body needs to break down the bone in order to utilize the calcium for other functions. Conversely, in order to rebuild bone and form new ones, the body also needs calcium to be adequate,” Dr. Fernandez explains.

“Calcium deficiency, therefore, could increase the risk of developing osteoporosis because there wouldn’t be enough calcium to form new bones,” he adds.

Taking the recommended daily dose of calcium can spell a big difference for people at risk of bone diseases. In particular, women undergoing menopause are susceptible to bone breakage due to their skeletal frame and declining estrogen levels.  Those who are pregnant and lactating also have increased daily calcium needs that their regular diets may fail to provide.

“Daily calcium intake helps maintain strong healthy bones and lessens the risk of osteoporosis and the fractures that people with osteoporosis are prone to. Living a healthy lifestyle with exercise and avoiding alcohol and smoking are also important to keep the bones in good shape,” says Dr. Fernandez.

But while consuming calcium is crucial to protecting bones, Dr. Fernandez points out the role of vitamin D with regard to calcium absorption, and vitamin K in bone formation.

“Combining vitamin D with calcium in a supplement gives our body a greater chance to absorb the calcium portion of the supplement. Meanwhile, vitamin K, in relation to bone health, is important since it helps the osteoblasts or the bone-forming cells to perform their duties,” he expounds.

When it comes to calcium, having too much of it can also pose health risks, according to Dr. Fernandez. 

“It is not recommended to take more than 2500 mg. of calcium per day since there is an increased risk of developing kidney stones and hypercalcemia. For children, the recommended dose is 600 mg.; for adolescents, 1300 mg.; adults, 750 mg.; pregnant women, 1500 mg.; lactating women, 2000 mg.; and 1500 mg. for women who are in their post-menopausal stage.”

Fortunately for women, calcium supplements like CalChews are available on the market — to augment their calcium needs where regular diet is not enough.  It comes in two delicious flavors — Rich Chocolate and Creamy Caramel — and  vitamin K that helps keep calcium in the bones where it truly belongs.


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