Moms choose to build generation of kids with ‘multiple intelligences’

Giselle Tongi and son Kenobi Walters

MANILA, Philippines — Is it really enough for your child to get straight As or to be part of the class Top 10? How do you boost his ‘intelligence’ to make sure he achieves excellence in more fields than one?

Howard Gardner, Hobbs professor of education and cognition at the Harvard Graduate School of Education believes that intelligence is more complex than that. “It was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited, and that human beings – initially a blank state – could be trained to learn anything, provided that it was presented in an appropriate way,” said Gardner in his landmark work Frames of Mind, The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. “Nowadays, an increasing number of researchers believe precisely the opposite; that there exists a multitude of intelligences, quite independent of each other, that each intelligence has its own strengths and constraints…”

Gardner’s theory eventually gave rise to what’s known as multiple intelligence – simply put it is brain smart, body smart and people smart. The theory questions the idea that intelligence is a single entity, that it results from a single factor and that it can be measured simply via IQ tests.

While the concept of multiple intelligence may not seem to have caught on in the Philippines yet,  experts from Wyeth Nutrition’s Progress Pre-School GOLD say otherwise, noting that the progressive moms’ behavior very much points to their acceptance of the theory’s advantages.

The reaction to a more challenging environment

With more readily available and wide-ranged activities to explore, Filipino moms involve their kids with as much programs from an early stage. Options such as special classes, sports clinics and art classes help children know more about a wider range of subject matters.

More mothers are also enrolling their children in school to receive pre-primary education at earlier ages than the norm a decade ago.

With the social media boost, Filipino moms have formed the habit of showing off their child’s big and small achievements – whether their child has made friends with the neighborhood security guard, has created a masterpiece using only popsicle sticks or has asked a witty question about current events.

The digital space has urged moms to celebrate that their children have what it takes to stay ahead of their generation by being more well-rounded.

"It seems like the standard of intelligence had levelled up. A child can be considered an achiever if he is successful in demonstrating his understanding of concepts and skills in multiple ways given different scenarios,” says Mika Lagdameo-Martinez, model, entrepreneur and mom of two.

This paradigm shift in developing intelligence has caused moms to commit towards inspiring, challenging, and preparing their children to become excellent in more fields and make sure that as the next generation, their kids will contribute to society’s progress.

“At the end of the day, for us moms, it’s all about moving to a higher standard of intelligence and being the best enablers that our children could have.  We are more than ready for progressive learning. We are more than ready for our children to take the lead,” says celebrity mom Giselle Tongi to Kenobi and Sakura.

Intelligence supported by proper nutrition

Divergent moms have a partner in Progress Pre-School GOLD as they further support the development of their child’s multiple intelligence. Progress Pre-School GOLD is now with its best-ever GOLD Biofactors System with higher levels of DHA, Choline and Lutein to support a child’s multiple intelligence.

“It has always been Wyeth’s brand heritage to continuously advance; to continuously innovate; to continuously lead. And Progress Pre-School GOLD’s most advanced formulation yet further supports a child’s multi-dimensional development,” shares Rhea Villareal, Product Manager of Progress Pre-School GOLD.

For more tips on how you can develop your child’s multiple intelligence, visit

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