Celebrating children’s small, everyday successes

MANILA, Philippines - For parents of preschoolers, Neil Armstrong’s immortal words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” may perfectly describe the joy of seeing their children achieve daily developmental progress. While it may seem simple to many, parents consider every children’s action — especially those done when they’re three to five years old — as a milestone and proof that their child is developing accordingly.  

Experts say that celebrating a child’s small, everyday successes is normal and even encouraged, as this can reinforce resilience and self-esteem in immeasurable ways. When children achieve something — whether it’s as simple as brushing their own teeth or riding a bike — and their parents recognize it, a sense of confidence at an early age can already be developed.

While it is normally a period of slow growth, it is during a child’s third to fifth years when learning and acquisition of skills is at a fast pace. During this time, parents are encouraged to watch out for certain markers, called developmental milestones, to help measure a child’s growth in four primary areas of development that include speech/language, cognitive/intellectual, social/emotional, and fine/gross motor skills. For example, a three-year-old should be able to assemble easy puzzles, while a child aged four should be able to use table utensils. Meanwhile, five-year-olds are usually able to walk on tiptoes or do broad jumps at their age. 

Needless to say, it is also at this stage when providing the balanced mix of brain and body-building nutrients for the specific needs of children is of utmost importance. This constitutes a holistic and integrated approach to child development, which includes fostering healthy eating habits and proper nourishment through milk.

Recognizing the important benefits of milk during this crucial period, Alaska Milk Corporation has introduced Alaska NutriBuild 345, which is specifically formulated to provide preschool children with appropriate amount of essential nutrients they need for their brain and body development during their formative years.

Each serving of Alaska NutriBuild 345 comes with DHA and ARA that support healthy vision, as well as choline and taurine that help in the development of memory functions. It also contains iodine, zinc and iron, which support  a child’s cognitive development and essential fatty acids (EFA) that are necessary for the normal growth of their minds and bodies. 

Alaska NutriBuild 345 is also packed with fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin to activate intestinal functions, assist in digestion, and reduce the risk of constipation and diarrhea, and minerals to support the rapid demand for physical growth and endurance. Each of these nutrients performs distinct functions, creating a synergy that is essential to support pre-schoolers in achieving their milestones.

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