Pork scam: No laughing matter

Evil triumphs when good people do nothing about it.”  Realizing this and shocked at the  gargantuan amount involved in the pork barrel scam, Filipinos trooped to Luneta last Monday, which coincided with our  celebration of  National Heroes Day.  To denounce, protest, and call for the abolition of the pork barrel funds that allegedly went to the pockets of some senators and congressmen.  The protestors represented all sectors of society — young and old (some even came in wheelchairs), students, workers, farmers, fishermen, religious and business  sectors, nurses, doctors, militant groups, etc.  They came in full force and in loud, thundering voice denounced the pork barrel scam. We all are stakeholders in our beloved country.  Our future is at stake.  Enough of the corruption!!!

I saw many familiar faces, including Mareng Winnie Monsod and her family, and as we hugged, she said, “We had been doing this since martial law years, we are still at it.  Yes!  I started marching when I headed the Kabataang Makabayan Women’s Bureau during my student days.  Now, with two granddaughters, I’m still marching to be counted and join the people’s sentiment … for country and our kababayans.”

My heart leaped with joy and pride when I saw the youth sectors … despite the many modern distractions and seemingly waning values, they are deeply concerned with the plight of our country. They are heeding the call of the nation.  For soon, they will be taking over us and in their hands lies our future.  There was Christine Zaralde, 16, of UP Manila, carrying a placard.  Then I interviewed Chat Lozada, 19, of UP Diliman, and from afar, I saw the banner of PUP waving high.  Ah, the hopes of our motherland!

Three street sweepers, headed by Jennifer Villalon,  lamented that while they brave the elements to keep the area clean with the measly salary of P300 per day with no benefits though they have been working for four years, Napoles and her conspirators are wallowing in their stolen wealth.

 The mind-boggling money stolen from the coffers of our government is meant to help and alleviate the plight of our long-suffering kababayans. Just imagine the school buildings, hospitals, roads, bridges, markets, etc. and the millions of jobs that such gargantuan money could have provided.  It could have uplifted the living conditions of our countrymen.  It could have given a big boost to our now-recovering economy.  It could have spelled better lives for most of our people.

While listening intently to the very informative speeches of the speakers,  a placard bearing the words “P10 billion = 151,084 water and sanitation facilities in public schools”  made me feel so disheartened, angry even, for I have witnessed  the depressing, sickening situations of our public schools — because water and sanitation projects  are  my primary advocacy.  In the schools I have adopted, the ratio was 2,000 to 3,000 students per toilet.  They do not even have running water to boot!  How can the students focus on their studies when the call of nature comes and they have to queue for a long time for filthy, waterless toilets!  Seeing the inhumane condition of our “hopes,” made me focus on providing water and sanitation facilities for as many students as I could help.

May this emboldened awakening of our people be a stern warning to public officials sworn to serve selflessly our country and people. May the abolition or reformation of pork barrel disbursements pave the way for  truly patriotic  men  and women  to serve our people honestly and efficiently.  So help us, God! 

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On a lighter note, let’s keep our sanity and  protect our hearts by  laughing  to a healthy, happy, positive us.  I will soon resume Laughter Yoga sessions. E-mail me at mega_abundant_lv@yahoo.com.















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