Miss Earth beauties vie for kids’ taste buds

MANILA, Philippines - A beauty queen is a woman of poise, finesse, and class; shining like diamonds and twinkling like stars in their designer gowns and silk sashes topped with a crown. Cooking, on the other hand requires skill and experience. It is rarely a glamorous task — slicing, cutting, and getting exposed to high temperatures all day. So how do beauty queens get busy in the kitchen and still stay pretty and posh? Easy! All it takes is a trip to the hassle-free SM Hypermarket. Recently, the beautiful Miss Philippines Earth 2013 contestants took over SM Hypermarket Fairview’s kitchen to take on the 60-minute, kiddie-meals themed Bounty Fresh Cooking Challenge.

 It’s a hypermarket that has everything you need all in one go. Just spot, grab, and toss in the basket. It offers wide varieties of items, ranging from high-end to economical products. SM Hypermarket is a huge place with spacious aisles, strategic product organization, and extra-friendly customer assistants who are sure to make the hyper shopping experience quite an experience to remember.

As soon as the timer started to tick, the ladies rushed to SM Hypermarket, quickly going from aisle to aisle in their stilettos. They easily found all the ingredients they needed and managed to stay well within the budget with the help of customer assistants around the store. There was no need to run to and fro, all it took was one sweep from one end of the store to the other, and all items in their lists were complete. Rounding up the ingredients merely took a fraction of the clock despite the ladies running in heels.

In a matter of minutes, the kitchen was bustling with Miss Philippines Earth candidates. Soon, a sweet aroma filled the air and one can’t help but feel the mouth suddenly watering, the eyes carefully closing, as a deep breath is taken with a big smile on the face. They skewed, rolled, fried, sautéed, and creatively turned chicken, hotdogs, bread and more into kiddie skewers, crazy cordon bleu, spaghetti, and a whole lot more dishes kids can never say no to. The girls showed how easy it is to charm the kids

The delegates showed that even if they were competitors taking on a cooking challenge, they can all work together towards a common goal — to satisfy the children’s appetites and impress the judges’ discerning taste. Much like working hand in hand to save our precious planet despite competing for the Miss Philippines Earth crown. And even if one of them is crowned Miss Philippines Earth on May 19, the girls are sure to display the same camaraderie and spirit in the days to follow as they continue to fulfill their pledges to save Mother Earth beyond the Miss Philippines Earth 2013 pageant.


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