Acai: Berry good for your health

MANILA, Philippines - More than 10 years ago, two surfers, celebrating the millennium in Brazil, stumbled upon a berry that grew on the acai palm trees in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. It’s dark purple in color and about the size of a grape. Approximately 90 percent of the fruit is the seed while the rest consists of the edible pulp and skin. But the small amount of purple fruit clinging to the seed pit is worth its weight in gold. The açaí (ah-sigh-ee) berries taste fruity but also have a subtle hint of chocolate and red wine.

Natives of the Amazon have been consuming up to three servings of açaí a day for hundreds of years now and have been similarly enjoying the health benefits. Acai, fruit of the Amazon, is full of anthocyanin pigments, contributing to its deep purple appearance, and is frequently used as a topical antibacterial in Brazil.

The acai berry, unknown then to the rest of the world, had its debut five years later when renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone announced during his interview on the Oprah show that this new berry should be considered by the world as a new super fruit.

In 2006, a study conducted by assistant professor Stephen Talcott of the Food and Agricultural Science Department at the University of Florida concluded that the antioxidants found in açaí berries could help kill leukemia cancer cells. The study found that extracts from the berry induced a self-destructive response in up to 86 percent of the leukemia cells tested.

Containing a healthy ingredient used in making nutritiously delicious smoothies and shampoos, the acai berry has a high concentration of dietary fiber to sweep harmful toxins, plus essential omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids to help prevent heart attacks and strokes by lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad) while increasing HDL cholesterol (the good). It helps lower blood pressure and reduce the chance for blood clotting. It contains antioxidants that help fight damaging free radicals in the body.

For more information, call Organique hotline at 0922-8887883/399-2485. Acai berry is available at all Watsons stores, Rose Pharmacy, and Southstar drugstore.

Organique Acai smoothie

1 T. flax seed

1 pkg. (3.5 oz.) frozen açaí pulp

1 cup blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries

1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt or ice

1 tsp. honey

1 banana

1/2 cup skim, 1% or soymilk

Using a motor or spice grinder, crush flax seeds into a course powder. Combine the remaining ingredients, including ground flax in a blender. Mix until smooth. Taste and adjust if necessary.

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