Keeping baby protected against injuries

This seat is taken: Aprica infant carriers allow an infant to lie completely flat so his breathing is not obstructed.

MANILA, Philippines - A baby is very fragile – this we all know. His head, spine, skin, feet, and hip joints are all still weak and vulnerable to injury. Even his sleep patterns, respiration, and temperature-regulating abilities are not yet fully developed.

Oxygen desaturation, or too little oxygen in the blood, can happen when baby’s neck is positioned wrongly, making it hard for baby to breathe. This can result in brain damage and even death.

A child is also at risk for foot, leg, or hip injuries if he is given too-stiff shoes or if he is placed in wrongly designed baby carriers. These injuries can result in walking-related problems.

Uncomfortable car seats, strollers, and carriers can lead to interrupted and insufficient sleep, which can impair the baby’s overall development.

At the Aprica Child Care Institute, a renowned authority in pediatric research, scientists and engineers have come up with product designs to help protect babies from such dangers.

Aprica infant car seats and strollers, for instance, allow an infant to lie completely flat. The infant carriers have a ventilated posture stabilizer, which prevent a newborn baby’s chin from digging into his neck and obstructing his breathing. This minimizes the risk of oxygen desaturation.

To keep baby from getting too hot or too cold, Aprica car seats, carriers, and strollers have temperature-regulating mechanisms such as ventilation systems and heat reflectors. These heat reflectors, unique in Aprica strollers, deflect ground heat and prevent baby’s back from getting all hot and sweaty.

To keep baby’s spine and body well-protected from bruising and whiplash in the event of a car crash, Aprica car seats feature extra-high sides and firm padding in addition to standard five-point harnesses for keeping baby safe.

Once baby is big enough to be put in the carrier in an upright position, the Aprica carrier’s wide hip support distributes baby’s weight evenly and allows the hip joint to take a natural position, to prevent hip and leg injury. As grandmothers would say, “Hindi masasakang (Would not get bandy-legged).”

Because the seats, strollers, and even the carriers are so comfortable, they let baby get the best sleep he can get, so his mental and physical development are not jeopardized.

To learn more about Aprica’s products and designs, go to You can also find Aprica products at all Baby Company stores nationwide.

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