Ricky Reyes adopts more pediatric cancer wards at PGH

MANILA, Philippines - Months after the Munting Paraiso Children’s Pavilion of the Pedriatric Oncology Ward of the Cancer Institute at the Philippine General Hospital was adopted by the Ricky Reyes Foundation, life flourishes anew in the once gray and gloomy complex. Laughter rings throughout the courtyard; lively chatter can be heard from the activity room, and even the ward patients are all smiles!

Back in July, the Ricky Reyes Foundation already made improvements to alleviate the pain suffered by pediatric cancer patients: The overgrown garden was landscaped, the children’s ward was repainted, and the activity room was filled with new books and toys for the patients’ psychiatric therapy.

Recently, civic worker and beauty guru Ricky Reyes returned to Munting Paraiso for the refurbishment of five more wards for pediatric oncology: the radiation oncology ward, gynecology radiology ward, gynecology oncology ward, medical gynecology ward, and the medical oncology ward. Murals now adorn the walls, and bedposts sport a new coat of color.

The 2010 Ernst and Young Inspiring Entrepreneur also has a running trust fund at the Cancer Institute to assist in the patients’ chemotherapy, cobalt treatments and medications, and he constantly campaigns for donations of staple medical supplies for the patients, such as local anaesthetic cream, butterfly needles, and dextrose.

“I want to infuse positivity in the lives of pediatric patients and their families,” states Reyes, who has been supporting the Cancer Institute for 13 years now. “Just because they are in a difficult situation doesn’t mean life has to be difficult. I want to show them that no matter what difficulties they’re facing, life is always full of hope.”

Ricky Reyes is also one of the founders of CHILD Haus (Center for Health Improvement and Life Development), a dormitory-type halfway home for pediatric patients from the province. With 220 beds, CHILD Haus houses patients and their guardians for free while undergoing treatment at various partner institutions around Metro Manila.

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