Pregnant with the joys of motherhood

MANILA, Philippines - After learning she’s pregnant, a woman looks forward to celebrating the joys of motherhood  seeing her newborn baby, capturing his first smile or hearing his first word. But most moms would agree that the nine months of pregnancy entail a lot of hard work. First-time moms particularly research through books and the Internet, make numerous trips to the doctor and laboratories, and make endless phone calls seeking advice and affirmation from other moms who have previously gone through the child-bearing cycle.

Having gone through the joys and pains of pregnancy themselves, two lovely Anmum Materna moms, Eileen David-Hortaleza and Lea Disini-Aquino, share some tips with other expectant mommies.

A healthy mom-to-be

“I was excited when I first learned about my pregnancy,” gushes full-time mom Eileen. “But since I was already 32 during my first pregnancy, I was aware of the risks involved and the changes my body was about to undergo. I immediately consulted an ob-gyne for proper medical advice. Not only did I religiously follow my doctor’s advice on taking medicines and food supplements, and consuming foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. I also started drinking two glasses of Anmum every day for my folate and calcium requirements, which the doctor strongly advised.”

Gaining weight during pregnancy

Tall and lean before her pregnancy, Eileen was also conscious about gaining just the right amount of weight. She avoided being too thin as it might compromise the health of the baby. Gaining too much weight was also not an option as it might affect her overall wellness.

“There was no specific diet plan that I strictly followed. I just made sure that I had the necessary nutrients my baby and I needed. I avoided eating oily and processed foods, and read the labels of any food that I purchased. I also preferred home-cooked meals to ensure that only safe and healthy ingredients were put in what I ate,” says Eileen who did not completely deprive herself of her cravings and made sure she took everything in moderation.

She notes, “A healthy pregnancy means a healthy mom and a healthy baby. Both of my babies were very healthy during delivery. They scored very high on the APGAR tests, which assess the health of newborn babies. On my end, I was able to recover fast after the operation.”

First trimester blues

Lea, who gave birth to her second daughter Amara last April, relates how her pregnancy was not exactly a walk in the park. “During my first trimester, I could not take in any solids. I didn’t have any appetite at all and was feeling very weak most of the time.”

That’s why she considered drinking Anmum Materna.

She adds, “I knew I wasn’t giving the proper nourishment for my baby so I drank Anmum. To be honest, I was never really a fan of milk, though I could take it once in a while. Thankfully, Anmum Materna Choco tasted delicious. I liked it so much that I stayed loyal to the flavor and the brand all throughout my pregnancy. It’s like drinking a milkshake!”

Like all moms who need to be assured, Lea wanted to know if she was doing the right thing for her body and most especially, her baby.

“Drinking Anmum made me feel secure that my baby was getting the proper nutrients,” shares the interior designer mom. “I knew that I was getting the assurance that she would be healthy during delivery and grow up to be an active child. Having that guarantee was truly a priceless feeling.”

Drinking Anmum, the number one maternal milk trusted by doctors and proven by moms, helps expectant moms to be on their way to a healthy pregnancy. It comes in three flavors: plain, chocolate, and hazelnut, available in leading stores nationwide.

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