What does it take to be a 'kampante' mommy?

MANILA, Philippines - One thing mothers aspire for is that priceless feeling of knowing their children are healthy and perfectly capable to be on their own. Raising children who turn out to be well-rounded individuals and ready to conquer the world give mothers the feeling of contentment and confidence or, in local lingo, kampante. How can nurturing mommies achieve this? The key is in providing a foundation of values, education, and a well-balanced diet. 

Young as they are, kids can be taught to be responsible even when on their own. Train them to have the initiative to help out with different household chores and to live by good values whether inside or outside the home.

Be kampante about the food they eat. A well-balanced diet is also a key to bring a truly kampante mommy. Seeing the children at the pink of their health eases a mother’s busy mind from additional stress caused by fear of encountering poor health and possible sickness.

Kampante mommies like to serve something as appealing and nutritious as Argentina Corned Beef. Readily available in supermarkets and convenience stores nationwide, Argentina Corned Beef is fortified with zinc and iron, making it the food with the right ingredients for kids to love and moms to appreciate.

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